British Literature Timeline

  • Period: 410 to

    Anglo Saxon period - Contemporary Period

  • Dec 1, 1110

    Three major authors and their works of the Old Englsih Period

    • For Old englsih, Key authors would be Bede and his key work "Bede's Death Song", Caedmon and Cynewulf and their key work "Beowulf"
  • Jan 1, 1200

    Middle English (Medival)

    Middle English (Medival)
    the Middle English or Medival time period took place between 1200- 1500
  • Jan 1, 1215

    Middle Englsih Historical Date

    • 1215 King John agrees to the magna carta, weakening the authority of the Englsih crown
  • Jan 1, 1348

    Middle English Histroical Date

    • 1348 The Black Death hits Europe
  • Jan 1, 1395

    Middle Englsih Period style and genre

    • During the medival period the genre of literature that was written was lyric poetry, mystery plays, liturgical plays, mortality plays, fabliaux, sermons, debate, beast fables, romance, and more. The style of writing varied throughout all of the genres.
  • Dec 1, 1445

    Three major authors and their works in the Middle Englsih Period

    For Middle English, key authors would be Dame Sirith and his work " The Millers tale", Geoffery Chaucer and his work "The Caterbury tales", and Thomas Malory and his work "Sir gawain and the green Knight"
  • Jan 1, 1500


  • Jan 1, 1505

    Renaissance Historical Date

    -Leonardo de Vinci painted the Mona Lisa in 1505
  • Jan 1, 1517

    Renissance Historical Date

    • In 1517 the Reformation began, being heavily influenced by Humanist thinking
  • Jan 1, 1575

    Renaissance Period Style and Genre

    • During the Renissance, romance was the genre and the styles often were of tragedy & comedy. It was often written and told from a man's perspective and used elements of the super natural, adventure, and magic.
  • Three majors authors & work of the Renaissance Period

    • For the Renaissance Period, key authors were that of William Shakespear and his key works "Romeo & Juliet" "Macbeth" and "Hamlet", Edmund Spenser and his work "The Faerie Queen", and Sir Walter Raleigh and his work "What is our life"
  • Neo- Classicism

    Neo- Classicism
    the Neo- Classicism period took place between 1700- 1800
  • Neo- Classicism Historical Events

    -After Queen Anne dies King George I becomes her successor in 1714
    -1778 French Englightenment writer Voltaire becgan to have a great influence during the neoclassicism period
  • Neo- Classicism Literature style & genre

    During the Neo- Classicism, Romanticism started to become more popular along with the introduction to Gothicism. Writers of this time also tried to imitate the Romans and Greeks. Many types of literature written were poetry, essays, satire, letters, fables, melodrama, novels, and diaries.
  • Three major authors and their works during the Neo- Classicism Period

    -For the Neo- Classicism period key authors would be John Milton and his work "Paradise Lost", Jonathan Swift and his work "A Modest Proposal", and Samuel Johnson and his work "A Dictionary of the Englsih Lanuage".
  • Romanticism

    the Romanticism period took place between 1785- 1830
  • Historical events of the Romanticism period

    • In 1787-89 an Aristocratic Revolution took place in France
    • The French Revolution began in 1789
  • The Romanticism period style and genre of literature

    During the Romanticism period the style and genre of literature was that of gothic, sublime, sentimental, love of nature, and romance narrative.
  • Three major authors and their works during the Romanticism period

    For the Romanticism period three major authors were that of William Wordsworth and his work "London 1802", Samuel T. Coleridge and his work "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner" and Jane Austin and her work "Pride and Prejudice".
  • Victorian

    the Victorian period took place between 1830- 1901
  • Victorian period Historical Date

    -During 1832, The Reform Bill gave the middle class the political powerit needed to consolidate
  • Victorian Period Historical Date

    -A huge growth in population, In England more than doubled from 14 million to 32 million
  • Victorian Period style and genre

    Victorian literature is the body of poetry, fiction, essays, and letters produced during the reign of Queen Victoria. It forms a transition between the writers of the romantic period and the modernist literature of the twentieth century
  • Three major authors and their works of the Victorian Period

    -A key author would be Charles Dickens and he is most famous "The Pickwick Papers" in 1836
    -Another key author would be Mary Ann Evans most famous work was "Middlemarch" published in 1872
  • Modern Period

    Modern Period
    The Modern Period took place between 1901- 1960
  • Modern period Hstorical Date

    -In the 1880s increased attention was given to the idea that it was necessary to push aside previous harms entirely, instead of merely revising past knowledege in light of comtemporary techniques
  • Modern Priod Historical Date

    • There was a Great War, which ravaged Europe from 1914 through 1918, known as World War I
  • Modern period style and genre

    -The Genres for modern literature had drama, tragedy, comedy, erotic, romance, and even satire in the poems and books.
  • Authors and their works during the modern period

    -A key author would be T.S. Eliot who was most famous for "The Love Songof J. Alfred Profrock" (1916)
    -Another key author would be Italo Seveo who wrote "Zeno's Conscience" (1923)
  • Postmodern Period

    Postmodern Period
    The Postmodern periodis a late 19th and 20th century movement
  • Postmodern Style and Genre

    -This Literature is a literature that is characterized by the reliance on narrative techniques such as fragmentation, paradox, and the unreliable narrator. Often is defined by a style which emerged in the post- Wolrd War II era.
  • Postmodern Histoical Date

    -In 1921 and 1925, postmodernism had been used to describe new forms of art and music
  • Postmodern Historical Date

    • In 1949 the term was used to describe a dissatisfaction with modern architecture and led to the postmodern achitecture movement
  • Key author and their works during the Postmodern period

    -A Key author was Walter Gropius who wrote an article called "Modern Architecture"
    -Another Key author was Kathy Acker who wrote "Blood and Guts in High School"
  • Contemporary Period

    Contemporary Period
    Contemporary period took place from 1980- to the present
  • Contemporary Period Historical Dates

    • During the 1980s people were beginning a new century and a new milennium -Also media culture interprets values
  • Contemporary Period Style and Genre

    -The style of contemporary was anti-heroes, humorus irony, and story telling emphasized. During this period people were learning to cope with problems through communication
  • Key Authors and their works during the Contemporary Period

    -A key author was Isobell Allende who wrote "House of Spirits to great acclaim" in 1982
    -Another key author was Margaret Atwood who wrote "Oryx and cake" in 2005
  • Old English (Anglo Saxon)

    Old English (Anglo Saxon)
    the Old English or Anglo Saxon Period took place between 449- 1066
  • Old English Historical Date

    • c. 518 lead by King Arthur, the British defeat the Saxons at Mount Badon
  • Old English Historical Date

    • 891-2 Earliest manuscript of the Anglo- Saxon Chronicle was created
  • Anlgo- Saxon style and genre

    • During the old english period traditional oral stories, Heroic Poetry, Elegiac poetry, Classical & Latin poetry, Riddles, and Christian poetry were the styles and genres of that time.