British Influence in India

  • English venture to India

    The East India Company is formed and received the rights to trade.
  • British in India

    The first British ships land in India at Surat, Gujarat
  • First trading post

    The British establish their first trading post/ factory in Machilipatnam
    (Andhra Pradesh) on Coromandel

    Coast on Bay of Bengal
  • First battle won in India

    The EIC deafeats the Portuguese in the battle of Swally and establishes a trading post
  • Commercial Treaty

    Sir Thomas Roe signed a treaty with Jahangir in exchange for luxury goods from Europe and protection against the Portuguese.
  • Surat, Gujarat

    The trading post in Surat, Gujarat becomes the EIC's chief establishment.
  • Moving Headquarters

    The EIC move their chief establishment from Surat to Bombay
  • Robert Clive

    Clive defeats the Nawab of Arcot and his french allies in south India
  • Battle of Plassey

    Robert Clive defeats the Nawab of Bengal at the battle of Plassey and the EIC takes control of Bengal.
  • EIC Defeated

    Tipu Sultan defeats the EIC army at the battle of Pollilur.
  • EIC Gets Revenge

    Tipu Sultan gets defeated in his own capital by the EIC
  • Period: to

    Anglo-Maratha War

    British defeated the Marathas in the third Anglo-Maratha War, marking the end to the empire; most of India is now in British control.
  • Thomas Macaulay

    Thomas's education system replaces the traditional one; English becomes the official language of the government
  • Indentured Labor

    British government formalizes system of Indian indentured labor.
  • Period: to

    First Anglo-Sikh War

    British defeated the Sikhs and gained much land in the Punjab and all of Kashmir
  • Period: to

    Second Anglo-Sikh War

    British defeat the Sikhs and take the remainder of Punjab and NW frontier.
  • Period: to

    Sepoy Mutiny

    India's first war of independence
  • Dissolving

    The East India Company dissolves
  • Queen Victoria

    Queen Victoria assumes title of "Empress of India".
  • National Congress

    First Indian National Congress meets in Bombay