Reform Bill of 1832
Law eased the property requirements so that well-to-do men in the middle class could vote. The Reform Bill also modernized the districts for electing members of Parliament and gave the thriving new industrial cities representation. -
Chartist Movement
A popular movement arising among workers and other groups who still could not vote to press for more rights. (was called Chartist movement because the group first presented its demans to Parliament in a petition called The People's Charter of 1838) -
Suffrage Of Working-Class Men
Suffrage was granted to working-class men in 1867. -
The Dreyfus Affair
During the 1880's and 1890's, the third republix was thretened by monarchists, aristocrats, clergy, and army leaders. These groups wanted a monarchy or military rule. A controversy knon as the Dreyfus affair became a battleground for these opposing forces. -
Suffrage of Rural Men
Suffrage to rural men was granted in 1884. -
Rise of Zionism
The drefus case showed the strength of anti-Semitism in France and other parts of Western Europe. However, persecution of Jews was even more sever in Eastern Europe. Russian officials permitted pogroms. From the late 1880's, thousands of Jews fled Eastern Europe and many head for the United States. For many jews the long history of exile and persecution convinced them to work to reestablish their ancient homeland. In the 1890's, a movement know as Zionism developed to pursue this goal. -
Suffrage Of Women Over 30
By 1918, women over the age of 30 were able to vote. -
Suffrage of all women of voting age
Suffrage was granted to all women of voting age by 1928.