The Poor Law is passed.
People are made to pay a rate to support the poor. -
Isaac Newton is born
Charles I surrenders to the Scots
The first civil war comes to an end -
Plague kills many people in London.
This is the last outbreak of bubonic plague in England. -
Queen Mary dies of smallpox aged 3
Isaac Newton dies
The Industrial Revolution begins to transform Britain
Britain signs a treaty
Recognizing the independence of the American colonies -
Gas light is invented
Income tax is introduced
To pay for the war against France -
The slave trade is abolished
The world's first public passenger railway
(The Stockton and Darlington railway). -
A new law
Bans women and children from working more than 10 hours a day in textile factories -
Alexander Fleming is born
The first electric underground trains run
The first old age pensions are paid
The BBC is founded
The National Health Service is founded
George VI dies. Elizabeth becomes queen.
Colour TV begins
Corporal punishment ends in state schools
The population of England reaches 52 million.
The Olympic Games are held in London
The people vote
In a referendum to leave the EU