Reform Bill of 1832
The Reform Bill of 1832 was passed to ease the property requirements so that well-to-do men in the middle class could vote. -
Chartist Movement
Workers and other groups who still could not vote to press for more rights started this movement. -
Working-class Men's suffrage
Working-claas men could now vote. -
Rural Men's Sufferage
Rural men could now vote. -
The Dreyfus Affair
Dreyfus was accused of selling military secrets to Germany. He was found guilty and had life in prison. Later they found out that he was framed by other army officers. -
Rise of Zionism
Zoinism was from Jews to reestablish their homeland, because there was a long history of exile and persecution of Jews. -
Women's suffrage, age of 30
Women over 30 could now vote. -
All Women's Suffrage
All women could now vote.