Period: Jan 1, 1550 to
British Colonialism In North America
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Reign of James 1st
Virginia was founded during the reign of King James 1. It was founded by The Virginia Company Of London. Virginia became a colony after King James 1 bankrupt the Virginia company. -
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The founding of each of the 13 colonies
House of Burgesses
George Yeardley announced that the Virginia company voted to create a legislative assembly creating the House Of Burgesses. -
House of Burgesses
Governor George Yeardley announced that the Virginia Company voted to create a legislative assembly called the House of Burgesses -
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The establishment of governmental bodies
Mayflower Compact
The mayflower compact was to ensure peace between the two groups carried by the mayflower ship. -
New Hampshire
New Hampshire was granted to captain John Mason. -
Massachusetts was settled by a group of puritans from England because of the governor John Winthrop. The permission was granted by King Charles 1. -
Maryland was founded by Lord Baltimore. -
Connecticut was founded when the dutch first established the trading post. The population in Boston had gotten dense so settlers began to move out ending up in Connecticut -
Rhode Island
Rhode Island was founded by Roger Williams. Later Williams gained permission from providence plantations. portsmouth, and newport. -
Delaware was founded by Peter Minuit and the New Sweden Company. The New Sweden company was first created to explore and trade. Later on they ended up landing to what is now Delaware. -
First Navigation Act
The Navigation Act was created to make England the main source for European products and to prevent colonies from independent trade. -
North Carolina
This colony was founded by settlers in Virginia. it got its name after the king. -
South Carolina
South Carolina was founded by the British. it was founded by eight nobles with a royal charter from King Charles the 2nd. -
New Jersey
European explorer John Cabot found New Jersey. King Charles the 2nd actually granted the land to two of his friends Lord Berkeley and Sir George Carteret. -
New York
Peter Minuit founded New York. During this period of time New Amsterdam was threatened but the English had made a promise to let them keep their commercial rights, so they had to surrender and the government renamed the town. -
Bacon's Rebellion
The Bacon;s Rebellion pushed Virginia towards harsher slavery creating a more rigid system of slavery. -
Pennsylvania was founded by William Penn. Later the colony became home to many European immigrants -
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Salem Witch Trial
The Salem Witch Trials stared when a group of young girls claimed to be possessed by the devil. More than 200 people were accused of practicing witch craft causing some to be executed. Later they found out it was a mistake. -
James Oglethorpe found Georgia. the purpose was to keep restrictions on the size of the plantation that kept the colony small/ -
Molasses Act Passed
The purpose of the Molasses Act was to impose taxes on sugar and rum from non-British colonies. Basically, the British wanted to protect its sugar plantations. -
Albany Congress
The Albany's Congress' purpose was to create a unified government for the thirteen colonies -
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French and Indian war
The war began over the issue of whether Ohio River was part of the British Empire for open trade and settlement by Virginians and Pennsylvanians. -
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Pontiac's Rebellion
The Pontiac's rebellion was an attempt by an alliance of Native tribes to prevent Great Britain from getting the land claimed by France.