Period: Jan 1, 1550 to
British Colonialism in North America
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Reign of James i
James i was the son of Mary Queen of Scots and Lord Darnley, first king to rule both England and Scotland. James i reign saw the publication of the Authorised Version of the Bible which caused problems with the Puritans. In 1620 the Pilgrim Father sailed to the Americas on the ship Mayflower -
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The House of Burgesses
he House of Burgesses was the first democratically-elected legislative body in British North America. This help bring about the American Revolutionary War. It was made up of 22 burgesses from plantations and villages. They decided the basic laws of the Virginia colony. -
Creation of Mayflower Compact
Th Mayflower Compact was a set of rules for self-governance established by English settlers who traveled to the New World on the Mayflower. Colonist leaders created the Mayflower Compact to ensure a functioning social structure would prevail. -
Virginia Became a Colony
The Virginia Colony was the first of the 13 original colonies located on the Atlantic coast in North America. The Province of Virginia was an English colony that existed 1607 till 1776, when it joined the other 12 of the 13 colonies in rebellion against Great Britain. -
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Reign of Charles i
Son of James i and Anne of Denmark, Charles i believed that he ruled by divine right and encountered problems with the Parliament this led to the outbreak of the English Civil War. He was later defeated, captured, imprisoned then beheaded. -
New York Became a Colony
Founded by Peter Minuit and others on Manhattan Island. New York was not dominated by any religion gave room for religious freedom. The reason for founding was for trade and profits. -
Massachusetts became a Colony
Founded by Pilgrims who sailed in The Mayflower and formed the colony Plymouth. There was no religious freedom they were all Puritans. -
Maryland Became a Colony
The Maryland colony was one the 13 original colonies, the province of Maryland was an English colony that existed from 1633 until 1776 when it joined the rebellion against Great Britain.Its reason for founding was religious freedom for Catholics. -
Connecticut Became a Colony
The area was explored by Dutch explorer Adrian Block, the first settlement by Europeans were made in 1633 by Dutch settlers. Was the 5th of the original 13 colonies to become a state. Their religion was dominated by Puritans no religion freedom. -
Rhode Island Became a Colony
Founded by Roger Williams and others, a Providence. He guaranteed religious and political freedom. It was one of the most liberal colonies. -
New Hampshire Became a Colony
Founded by Captain John Mason and established by John Wheelwright and other colonists. Dominated by Puritans which means no religious freedom. The reason for founding was for religious freedom for Quakers. -
Delaware Became a Colony
Delaware colony was founded in 1638 by Peter Minuit and New Sweden Company. Not dominated by a specific religion which gave away to religious freedom. Reason for founding was for trade and profits. Delaware was the 1st of the original 13 colonies to become a state. -
Period: to
The Commonwealth Under Cromwell Rule
The First Navigation Act
In 1651, the British Parliament, declared that only English ships were allowed to bring goods to England, and that North America only export goods such as tobacco and sugar. This prevented the colonies to trade with other European countries. -
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The Commonwealth Under Oliver Cromwell
Cromwell declared Britain a republic and he went on to be its Lord Protector. -
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The Commonwealth Under Richard Cromwell
He was appointed the second ruling Lord Protector of England, Scotland and Ireland. He lacked military experience and persuaded to to resign from his position. -
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Reign of Charles ii
After the collapse of the Protectorate, the Army and Parliament asked Charles to take the throne. -
New Jersey Became a Colony
Founded by Lord Berkeley and Sir George Carteret. New Jersey was not dominated by any religion gave room for religious freedom. The reason they founded it was for trade and profit. -
Bacon's Rebellion
Was an uprising in 1676 in the Virginia colony led by Nathaniel Bacon. About a thousand people rose against Governor William Berkeley friendly policies towards the Native Americans. When he refused to do anything against the Natives series of attacks. It was the first rebellion in the American colonies -
Pennsylvania Became a Colony
Colony founded by William Penn and others. This colony was not dominated by a specific religion gave a way for religious freedom. -
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Reign of James ii and vii
James became very unpopular because of his persecution of the Protestant clergy and was generally hated by the people. -
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Reign of William iii and Mary ii
William and Mary were to reign jointly, and William was to have the Crown for life after Mary died in 1694. -
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Salem Witch Trials
Began in the summer of 1692 after group of young girls claimed to possessed by the devil and accused several women of witchcraft. A special court was made for these cases. The first convicted was Bridget Bishop who was hanged. 18 others came right after her, 150 more men, women, and children were accused over the next several months. -
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Reign of Anne
Anne was 37 years old when she succeeded to the throne.During Anne’s reign that the United Kingdom of Great Britain was created by the Union of England and Scotland.After Anne’s death the succession went to the nearest Protestant relative of the Stuart line -
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Reign of George i
George i never learned English, so the conduct of national policy was left to the government, with Sir Robert Walpole becoming Britain’s first Prime Minister. -
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Reign of George ii
He was more English than his father, but still relied on Sir Robert Walpole to run the country. -
North Carolina Became a Colony
In 1691 the land assumed the name of North Carolina. In 1712 North Carolina becomes a separate Colony. In 1729 North Carolina becomes a royal English colony. -
South Carolina Became a Colony
South Carolina weren't dominated by any religion gave a room for religious freedom. -
Molasses Act Passed
Was enacted by British Parliament on 13 colonies of America with protecting its sugar plantations in West Indies. -
Georgia Became a Colony
Was founded James Oglethorpe and other colonists. Was the last American colony to be founded. -
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The French and Indian War
A massive conflict involving Austria, England, Great Britain, Prussia, and Sweden. The French and English fought over domination in North America, the Caribbean, and India. The English ultimately dominated North America. -
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Albany Congress
British officials believed that a north American war with France was imminent and urged leaders to prepare for the common defense. Discussions at the Albany Congress focused on two primary issues; the Iroquois and the Albany Plan of Union -
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Pontiac's Rebellion
Pontiac's Rebellion was a Native American uprising against the British just after the French and Indian War's. On April 1763 a meeting was held by the Native Americans on the banks of the Ecorse River near Detroit where the attack was to happen.