British Colonial Acts

By MRS22
  • Navigation Acts

    • Colonies can't import/export resources from anywhere but England if they're luxury goods Response: Mixed opinions. Patriots thought it was bad. Loyalists supportive.
  • Sugar Act

    -Lower English debt
    -Reduce tax on molasses
    Boycott luxury imports+vowed to find ways to increase colonial manufacturing so they're less dependent of England
  • Quartering Act

    -Colonists required to house soldiers if needed
    Thought it violated bill of rights
    Hated it
  • Stamp Act

    • All paper must be stamped to show its paid for(stamp costs money) Response: Didn't like it, very angry
  • Declaratory Act

    -Parliament declares sovereignty over colonies so they can impose taxes
    Very unhappy bc they have no representation
  • Townshend Acts

    -tax on paper, lead, ink
    -Boycotted British goods
    -Protests in Boston
    -Smuggle goods to avoid tax
    Boston Massacre, taxation w/o representation, unconstitutional
  • Tea Act

    -Designed to prop up east India company so they could get more money
    -18 mil lbs of tea
    Boston Tea Party
  • Coercive Act

    -Restore order in response of Boston Tea Party
    -Boston Port Act(shut down ports)
    -Massachusetts Gov't
    -Quartering Act
    -Administration of Justice
    Violation of rights, 1st Continental Congress, Revolutionary War
  • Quebec Act

    -Meant for relig freedom for Catholics in Canada
    -Instead went to aid Massachusetts(formed 1st Continental Congress)