600 BCE
The Celts
the Roman Emperior Cladius and his army conquered Britain, which became part of the Roman Empire and was called Britannia https://bit.ly/2QZ63U9 -
The Romans
the Roman Emperior Cladius and his army conquered Britain, which became part of the Roman Empire and was called Britannia
https://bit.ly/2R56Gvv -
The Anglo-Saxons (and Jutes)
A missionary Augustine from Rome arrived in Kent, who established a Christian church at Canterbury https://bit.ly/2MmSr49 -
Christianity accepted
Christianity was officialy adopted (Whitby)
http://www.bbc.co.uk/staticarchive/f1a8e4b95497622652ff0d81a64abdc2acee43d3.jpg -
The Stained Glass
The earliest known reference date is 675 and has been practised over 1300 years. Technique was established in Europe by 1110- 30, when the monk Theopilus wrote Diversarium Artium Schedula https://www.flatlandkc.org/assets/uploads/2016/06/wnc-leejacksonwindows_custom-c2386e11d410577a75e9bd66b835eb6a59a74cb3-1170x675.jpg -
The Scots and Picts
Picts and Scots were united and so were their territories. The Kingdom of Scotland was founded.
https://bit.ly/2R3I7yI -
Feudal System
In 1066 William the Conqueror invaded England and brought the feudal system with him.
https://d1e4pidl3fu268.cloudfront.net/a6b9c559-d4e4-4307-8a2b-6f3aa938ba01/FeudalSystem.crop_596x447_0,45.preview.jpg -
Battle of Hastings
War between the Normans and the Anglo-Saxons.
https://www.history.com/.image/ar_16:9%2Cc_fill%2Ccs_srgb%2Cfl_progressive%2Cg_faces:center%2Cq_auto:good%2Cw_768/MTU3ODc5MDg3MjM4MTYyMTQz/battle-of-hastings.jpg -
Tower of London
It was founded towards the end of 1066 as part of the Norman Conquest of England. The White Tower, which gives the entire castle its name, was built by William the Conqueror in 1078 with a purpose to control and protect the city.
https://cdn.londonandpartners.com/asset/hm-tower-of-london-image-040-ae1b582d5c7d24c210fef7c4573af37b.jpg -
Domesday Book
It is a manuscript record of the "Great Survey" of much of England and parts of Wales completed in 1086 by order of King William the Conqueror.
http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTAnxAv0S01gvHlWe32vVzKL1zDWnSKSfxRnWYBu2r6IjHfrzqr -
Bayeux Tapestry
It depicts the events leading up to the Norman conquest of England, was made in the end of 11th cen or in the beginning of 12th cen. It shows how heroic William the Conqueror was. https://images.immediate.co.uk/volatile/sites/7/2018/04/BT-section-2-f3182df.jpg?quality=90&resize=620,413 -
Magna Carta
The significance of the Magna Carta has sometimes been a bit overstated. What cannot be denied, however, is that it codified two revolutionary principles: (1) the king must govern with consent; and (2) the king must govern within the law. These twin principles laid the foundation of modern Western liberal democracy.
https://static1.squarespace.com/static/50adfa2ae4b0cc1d786569eb/t/54440d2fe4b02c9e7d3c9659/1413745968494/?format=500w -
Hundred Years’ war
conflict that pitted the kings and kingdoms of France and England against each other from 1337 to 1453.
https://images.slideplayer.com/24/7586361/slides/slide_1.jpg -
The war of the Roses/Civil War
War between the Lancasters and the Yorks.
https://www.worldatlas.com/r/w728-h425-c728x425/upload/7f/6c/cb/untitled-design-19.jpg -
Queen Elizabeth I
Became queen in 1558 (25y old) - 1603, was on throne 45 years
Elizabeth was the daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn.
She was one of the England’s greatest monarch and she was called
“Virgin Queen”, because she never got married.
Elizabeth I brought peace, unity and progress to England. https://www.historyhit.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/elizabeth-i-hampden-portrait-700x390.jpg -
England + Scotland
England and Scotland were united