British Acts on Colonies

By kf22
  • Navigation Acts

    Cause: The rise of the dutch carrying trade
    Description: The navigation acts stopped the colonies from trading with anyone else but England.
    Response: The colonists started to smuggle more often.
  • Sugar Act

    Cause: The smuggling from colonists and to increase profit on molasses.
    Description: The act lowered taxes on molasses and made stricter laws against smuggling.
  • Stamp Act

    Cause: They had to pay for the French-Indian war.
    Description: Colonists were taxed on every paper good.
    Effect: The colonists started to boycott British goods.
  • Quartering Act

    Cause: Parliament was asked to do something about the British soldiers in the colonies who had no quarters to stay in.
    Description: It forced the colonists to allow British soldiers to stay in their house whenever they want.
    Response:Colonies refused to comply with the law.
  • Declaratory Act

    Cause: The stamp act was unfair and it upset the colonists
    Description: Act was passed to repeal the stamp act
    Response: Colonists continued to protest
  • Townshend Act

    Cause: British taxed daily goods as a way of income.
    Description: Goods were taxed such as lead, paint, glass, imported goods, and tea
    Response: Helped lead to the Boston Tea Party
  • Tea Act

    Cause: A way for the British to help increase their companies income
    Description: The tea act lowered taxes on tea and only allowed colonists to buy a certain tea company
    Response: Boston Tea Party
  • Coercive Act

    Cause: Boston Tea Party
    Description: British closed the Mass. port, reduced the gov power, and more soldiers were brought to the colonies
    Response: Colonists were mad but they could not protest
  • Quebec Act

    Cause: British wanted to expand their land up North
    Description: The act passed a permanent administration in Canada
    Response: The colonists thought the British were making more colonies