Period: 6000 BCE to 3000 BCE
Ice age
Then Britain was connected to the mainland by a land bridge. -
Period: 3000 BCE to 2000 BCE
Stone age
The Iberians inhabited the British Isles
They lived in limestone caves
They used stone, bones and antlers to make weapons and tools -
Period: 2500 BCE to 800 BCE
Bronze age
People mined tin, gold, copper and made bronze tools.
They also built settlements, acquired farming skills and built large circular stone monuments. -
Period: 600 BCE to 50
Iron age
The Celts invaded the British isles.
They brought with them a knowledge of smelting iron which produced stronger weapons than the bronze ones that native Britons were using -
Period: 43 to 84
Roman invasion
Romans were the most powerful people in the world.
The romans conquered all the countries around the mediterranean sea and then began moving northwards.
They made two raids across the English channel into Britain.
Many of Britain's main towns and cities were established by the Romans -
Period: 410 to 1066
The Anglo-Saxons
German settlers from Angeln and Saxony.
Brought with them their own religious beliefs
They were great craft workers
They made intricate jewellery, musical instruments and so on -
Period: 787 to 850
Viking attacks
Vikings began their invasion from Denmark wich was to leave a lasting impression on Britain.
Engald was divided with east declared to be danish territory. -
Period: 1066 to 1072
Norman Conquest
Norman Duke William defeated the Saxon king Harold and crowned the king of England on Christmas day.
Latin was the language of the clergy and the university scholars.
Norman-french was the official language of the king and the aristocracy.
Anglo-Saxon German was spoken by common people.