
  • Period: to

    Irish potato famine

    Causes mass death in Ireland.
    Causes mass emigration to UK and America.
  • Repeal of the Corn Laws

    By Peel.
    Lowers grain prices.
  • Great Exhibition

    International showcase of industry, technology and culture.
    Held in the Crystal Palace "workshop of the world".
    Highlights UK's economic dominance.
  • Period: to

    Whig government

    Under Lord John Russell.
  • Period: to

    Conservative government

    Under Lord Derby.
  • Period: to

    Peelite government

    Under the Earl of Aberdeen.
  • Florence Nightingale

    Revolutionised nursing by improving hospital conditions.
    Led to public health reforms.
  • Period: to

    Crimean War

    Russia vs Ottoman Empire (UK + France + Turkey).
    First war using modern technology.
    Gladstone ensured spending didn't result in financial instability.
    War exposed corruption and inefficiency in the government.
  • Period: to

    Whig government

    Under Palmerston.
  • Period: to

    Conservative government

    Under Lord Derby.
  • Period: to

    Liberal government

    Under Palmerston.
  • Cobden Chevalier Treaty

    By Richard Cobden.
    Reduced tariffs on textiles and french wine.
    Promotes free trade.
  • Period: to

    American Civil War (cotton famine)

    Disrupts Britain's cotton industry.
    John Bright supports free trade and non-intervention in civil war.
  • Contagious Diseases Act

    Allowed police to arrest women suspected of prostitution.
    Aimed to reduce venereal disease.
    Many protests by women against this, led by Josephine Butler.
  • Period: to

    Liberal government

    Under John Russell
  • Period: to

    Conservative government

    Under Derby.
  • Second Reform Act

    By Disraeli.
    - urben working class men
    Strengthened political voice of industrial workers.
    Passed by conservatives to gain more support.
  • Period: to

    Liberal government

    Under Gladstone.
  • Period: to

    Conservative government

    Under Disraeli.
  • Women's College at Cambridge

    Key figure: Emily Davies (education reformer).
    First higher education institution in Britain.
    Key step towards gender equality.
  • Irish Church Act

    By Gladstone.
    Disestablishes Anglican church in Ireland.
    Reduces discrimination against catholics.
  • Education Act (Forster's Act)

    By W. E. Forster (liberal MP).
    State-funded primary schools.
    Education compulsory for ages 5-10.
  • Trade Union Act

    Legalised trade unions, giving workers the right to strike.
    Beginning of state recognition of working class rights.
  • Secret Ballot Act

    By Gladstone (liberal PM).
    Votes cast privately, reducing bribery.
    Strengthened democratic integrity in Britain.
  • Criminal Law Amendment Act

    Makes it difficult to strike because of picketing.
  • Period: to

    Long Depression

    Falling prices and competition against Germany.
    Gladstone committed to free trade during economic challenges.
    Joseph Chamberlain advocates for tariff reform.
  • Artisans Dwelling Act

    Attempt at slum clearance.
    Replaces Criminal Law Amendment Act.
  • Period: to

    Conservative government

    Under Disraeli.
    "ministry of sewage".
    One-nation conservatism.
  • Public Health Act

    Local authorities maintain clean water.
    Sanitation reduces disease.
    First government intervention in public health.
  • Sale of Food and Drugs Act

    By Disraeli.
    Regulated food safety standards.
    Reduced sale of contaminated food and medicine.
  • Royal Titles Act

    Queen Victoria proclaimed empress of India to strengthen British control over India.
  • Factory and Workshop Act

    By Disraeli.
    - Banned children under 10 working in factories.
    - Limited women's working hours.
  • Collapse City of Glasgow Bank

    Financial instability in Scotland.
    Underscores need for stricter banking regulations.
  • Agricultural depression

    Farmers face economic challenges.
    Massive migration to cities.
    Creates overpopulation in cities.
    Disraeli criticizes Gladstone's want for free trade during challenges.
  • Creation Land League

    By Davitt.
    To secure land reform.
  • Period: to

    Liberal government

    Under Gladstone.
  • Creation Fair Trade League

    Response to commitment to free trade amidst rising foreign competition.
    Joseph Chamberlain advocated protectionism, although he doesn't join the league.
  • Irish Land Act

    By Gladstone and Parnell.
    To reduce tenant exploitation.
  • First Irish Home Rule Bill

    Proposed by Gladstone.
    Creates split in the liberal party:
    - unionists (led by Joseph Chamberlain)
    - others join the conservatives under Salisbury
  • Corrupt and Illegal Practices Act

    Criminalised bribery and intimidations in elections.
    Strengthened British democracy.
  • Third Reform Act

    - rural workers
    Brings the local electorate to 5.5 million.
  • Redistribution of Seats Act

    Created equal-sized constituencies, removing unfair advantages for rural areas.
  • Period: to

    Conservative government

    Under Salisbury.
    Minority government after liberal party after their split over Home Rule.
  • Rejection Fair Trade movement

    Still support free trade, despite rising calls for protectionist policies.
    Joseph Chamberlain becomes prominent voice for protectionism after 1886.
  • Period: to

    Liberal government

    Under Gladstone.
  • Period: to

    Conservative government

    Under Salisbury.
  • Coercion Act

    By Arthur Balfour "Bloody Balfour" (Irish secretary).
    In Ireland due to the jubilee riots and growing tensions.
    Deepend resentment among Irish nationalists.
  • Matchgirls' Strike

    Led by Annie Besant.
    Workers at Bryant and May match factory protest against low wages and dangerous phosphurus fumes.
  • Second Home Rule Bill

    By Gladstone.
    Passed by commons but rejected in lords.
    Highlights the power of lords to reject legislation.
    Means the resignation of Gladstone, replaced by Rosebery.
  • Period: to

    Liberal government

    Under Gladstone.
  • Formation Independant Labour Party

    Under Keir Hardie (first labour MP).
    Working class interests in parliament.
    Challenges the dominance of liberals and conservatives.
  • Creation ILP

    Independent Labour Party.
    By Keir Hardie.
    Advocates workers' rights, addresses economic inequality, unemployment and working conditions.
    Slowly leaving Laissez-Faire economics.
  • Local Government Act

    Allowed women to only vote in local elections.
  • Period: to

    Liberal government

    Under Rosebery.
  • Period: to

    Conservative government

    Under Salisbury.
  • Agricultural depression

    Rural landowners lobby for protectionist policies.
    Struggle against cheap grain imports.
    Divide between agriculture and industry.

    National Union of Women's Suffrage Socities.
    Led by Millicent Fawcett.
    Peaceful campaign for women's voting rights.
  • Period: to

    Second Boer War

    UK fights against South Africa.
    They use concentration camps which damage their reputation.
    Highlights social inequalities and exposed Britain's imperial overreach.
  • Labour representation committee

    Predecessor to labour party.
    Aimed to secure parliamentary representation for trade unions and socialists.
  • Creation LRC

    Labour Representation Committee.
    By Keir Hardie + Arthur Henderson.
    Aims to secure political representation for workers.
    Later evolves into labour party.
  • Taff Vale Case

    States that trade unions are liable for any losses caused by strikes.
    Led to an increase in labour support.
  • Education Act

    By Arthur Balfour (PM).
    Reforms secondary education, funded by local authorities.
  • Period: to

    Conservative government

    Under Balfour.
  • Lib-Lab Pact

    Liberals agree to not oppose labour candidates in come constituencies.
    Allows labour to win more seats in parliament.
  • Tariff reform campaign

    By Joseph Chamberlain (colonial secretary).
    Imposes tariffs on imports.
    Divides conservative party and contributes to their electoral defeat in 1906.
  • WSPU

    Women's Social and Political Union.
    Led by the Pankhurst family.
    Radical tactics to demand votes for women.
  • Period: to

    Liberal government

    Under Campbell-Bannerman.
  • Liberal welfare reforms

    Under Campbell-Bannerman.
    Liberals introduce social reforms like free school meals to takle poverty.
  • Liberal landslide victory

    Campbell-Bannerman + DLG + Winston Churchill.
    Focus on working conditions and tackling poverty.
    Begins Britain's shift towards social welfare policies.
  • Old Age Pensions Act

    By DLG (chancellor of the exchequer).
    Provided state pensions for people over 70 with low incomes.
    Funded through taxation.
    First steps towards welfare state.
  • Period: to

    Liberal government

    Under Asquith.
  • People's Budget

    By DLG.
    Proposed higher taxes on wealthy to fund welfare programs.
    Led to a political crisis in the House of Lords.
    Led to the 1911 Parliament Act.
  • Hunger strikes

    By suffragettes.
    Imprisoned suffragettes went on a hunger strike.
    Government introduced force-feeding policies.
  • Period: to

    Industrial Unrest

    Trade unions + Keir Hardie + Tom Mann mobilise workers.
    Strikes escalate across the coal mining, transport and docks industries.
    Reflects economic dissatisfaction among workers and limits Laissez-Faire policies.
  • National Insurance Act

    Unemployment and sickness benefits for workers.
    Funded through worker, employer and government contributions.
    Lays foundations for welfare state.
  • Parliament Act

    Limited power of the lords to block legislation.
    Can only delay legislation twice.
    Strengthened democracy by making the commons dominant.
  • Cat and Mouse Act

    Allowed government to release suffragettes that went on hunger strikes temporarily until they recovered, then re-arrested them.
  • Emily Davidson's suicide

    Emily Davidson throws herself in front of King George V's horse, in protest for suffragettes.
  • WW1 begins

    Asquith (liberal PM) + Churchill (1st Lord of the Admiralty) + DLG (chancellor of the exchequer).
    Wartime coalition government.
    Women enter workforce when men leave to fight.
    Society shifts towards total war.
  • Third Home Rule Bill

    Delayed twice by the lords.
    Was largely opposed by Ulster protestants.
  • Defence of the Realm Act

    Gives government extra power during war.
  • Period: to


    managed naval resources + blockades.
    DLG: oversaw economy and coordinated industry.
    Introduction of massive debt towards the USA.
  • Munitions crisis

    Shortages in munitions led to women working in factories.
  • Mortgages Act

    By DLG.
    Controls how much rent can be raised by.
    Prevents landlords from improving homes.
  • Period: to

    Coalition government (Liberal)

    Asquith + DLG + Bonar-Law (conservative leader).
    Asquith forms coalition with conservatives and labour party.
    Highlights weakness in wartime leadership.
  • Military Service Act

    Conscription introduced for men aged 18-41.
  • Easter Rising

    By republican groups to gain Irish independence.
    Makes British government very unpopular.
  • Period: to

    Coalition government (liberal + conservative)

    Conservatives withdraw support from coalition.
    Led to DLG's resignation.
    Bonar-Law becomes PM.
    End liberal dominance in British politics.
  • Representation of the People Act

    - Women over 30
    - All men over 21
  • General election "coupon"

    DLG coalition won with conservative support.
    Further weakened the liberal party, as labour emerges.
  • Fisher's Education Act

    By DLG.
    School leaving age 14.
    Introduces state scholarships for equal opportunities to go to university.
  • Period: to

    Post-WW1 economic crisis

    Over 1 million unemployed.
  • Housing Act (Addison Act)

    By Christopher Addison.
    Government funded housing for working class families.
    Follows "homes fit for heroes".
  • Sex Disqualification Act

    Allowed women to enter professions like law, civil service and go to universities.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles ends WW2.
  • Period: to

    Irish War of Independence

    Led by Eamon de Valera (Irish nationalist leader).
    War between British forces and Irish republicans.
    Laid groundwork for Irish independence.
  • Unemployment Insurance Act

    Expanded benefits to more workers.
    Over 11 million people.
  • Post-war crisis

    2 million unemployed after returning from war.
  • Geddes Axe

    By Eric Geddes.
    Drastic spending cuts to reduce national debt.
    Worsened unemployment and slowed the economic recovery.
  • Anglo-Irish Treaty

    Ends Irish War of Independence.
    Marked end of direct British rule in most of Ireland.
  • Education Act

    By DLG.
    Provided free school meals to children.
  • Period: to

    Interwar slump

    Reduced demand of coal and textile industries.
  • Creation Irish Free State

    Most of Ireland not under British rule.
  • Period: to

    Conservative government

    Under Bonar-Law.
  • Period: to

    Conservative government

    Under Stanley Baldwin.
  • Period: to

    Conservative government

    Under Stanley Baldwin.
  • Period: to

    Labour government

    First labour government.
    Under Ramsay MacDonald.
  • UK returns to Gold Standard

    Led by Churchill.
    To stabilise economy.
  • General Strike

    Baldwin (PM): against the strike.
    Arthur Pugh: union leader.
    Trade unions call for 9 day strike against coal miners' wages.
    Government stops the strike.
  • Wall Street Crash

    Economy collapsed.
    High unemployment and social hardship.
  • Period: to

    Labour Government

    Under Ramsay MacDonald, Snowden as chancellor.
    Faces economic crisis: Wall Street Crash and the rise of unemployment.
  • Housing Act (slum clearance)

    By Arthur Greenwood.
    Large-scale demolition of slums and construction of new housing.
  • Britain leaves Gold Standard

    Devalues pound.
    Boosts trade and industrial output.
  • Period: to

    National government - labour/liberal/conservative coalition

    Under Ramsay MacDonald and Chamberlain.
    Face economic crisis.
  • Import Duties Act

    Abandons free trade and introduces tariffs.
    Introduces 10% tariff on most imports, reversing Britain's stance on free trade.
    Neville Chamberlain advocates to protect balance economy.
  • Unemployment Act

    After unemployment peaks at 3 million.
    Establishes a means-tested dole system.
  • Unemployment Assistance Act

    By Neville Chamberlain.
    Means-tested benefits for long-term unemployment.
    Stricter unemployment benefits.
  • Period: to

    Economic recovery in the south

    Stanley Bladwin advocates for re-armament.
    Increasing jobs because of WW2.
    Creates clear north/south division.
  • Government of India Act

    Gives India more self-governance.
  • Period: to

    Re-armament and government spending

    Government invests in defense industries -- creates more jobs.
    Unemployment fell, but still clear north/south divide.
  • Period: to

    National government - conservative led

    Under Stanley Baldwin.
    Focuses on appeasement and rearmament.
  • Jarrow March

    Ellen Wilkinson (Labour MP for Jarrow).
    Unemployment march from Jarrow to London to demand jobs after the collapse of shipbuilding industry.
    Baldwin completely ignores.
  • Edward VIII scandal

    Edward VIII abdicates to marry Wallis Simpson.
    George VI becomes new king.
  • Period: to

    National government - conservative led

    Under Neville Chamberlain.
    Pursued appeasement for Hitler.
  • Holiday Pay Act

    Guaranteed paid holidays for workers.
    Improved living standards.
  • Munich Agreement

    Chamberlain allowed Hitler to annex Czechoslovakia.
  • WW2 begins

    Evacuation millions of children from cities to rural areas.
    Government intervention (industries + wartime measures).
    Laissez-Faire moves to interventionism.
  • Emergency Powers Act

    Gives government control over economy, labour and industry.
  • Operation Pied Piper

    1.5 million children evacuated from cities ro rural areas.
  • Period: to


  • Norway Campaign

    Germany invades Norway and France + Britain try to stop them but fail.
    Suggested invasion by Churchill.
    Led to the resignation of Chamberlain and Churchill becoming new PM.
  • WVS

    Womens Volunteer Service.
    Help evacuees, air shelters and to boost morale.
  • Firewatcher's Scheme

    Citizens assigned to guard buildings from bombing.
  • National Service Act

    Conscription for women aged 20-30.
  • War Damages Act

    Compensations for bombing of businesses during the Blitz.
  • Period: to

    National government

    Under Winston Churchill.
  • Period: to


    40,000 killed in mass bombing of London.
    Leaves millions of homes and factories destroyed.
  • Atlantic Charter

    Churchill and Roosevelt agree on post-war principles.
  • Lend-lease agreement with USA

    Keynes visits the USA and agrees that the USA would provide supplies to Britain (weapons, food...).
  • Essential Work Orders

    Forces workers into key industries to kickstart the economy.
  • Beveridge Report

    By William Beveridge.
    5 giants of society:
    - squalor
    - disease
    - idleness
    - ignorance
    - want
    Lays foundation for welfare state.
  • Casablanca Conference

    Churchill and Roosevelt plan European strategy.
  • Cairo and Tehran Conferences

    Churchill and Roosevelt plan European strategy.
  • Financial aid from USA

    Keynes negotiates financial aid from USA.
  • Education Act (Butler Act)

    By RAB.
    Free secondary education for all children.
  • Family Allowances Act

    Child benefits.
  • Bretton Woods Conference

    Keynes represents Britain.