brit empire

  • Period: to

    napoleon egy

    sent troops undermine brits 1798
    removed in 1801
  • colonial office established

    william pitt the younger
  • brit seize cape

    temp,deep port adv
  • slave trade outlawed

    3mill afr slaves traded
  • Period: to

    mary carpenter

    brit to ind in 1866 to improve education for women, tried to improve skls, gaols, hospitals, set up skl for ind teachers 1868
  • Period: to

    bartle frere

    was influential in combatting sepoy rebels, regained land, was placed in viceroy council in calcutta
    govenor of bombay, member of ind council,a baronet
    became high commisioner of cape, him and lord carnavan on merging transvaal and cape, started war with zulus, denounced by gladstone
  • Period: to

    richard burton

    with speke discovered lake Victoria, speke thought found source of Nile, he said no
    went Somali-land jaw javelin, still travelled went Zanzibar 1857-58, got malaria
    went to Muslim cities like mecca, wrote 43 volumes and 5 books on west Africa customs and marriages, cannibalism, fetishes
  • Period: to

    John Hanning speke

    went with Sir richard burton, discov lake victoria, thought source of niver nile, wasn't it led him to sudan, he called it rippon falls, died in 1864 by his own gun
    him and burton first 2 eu men to reach lake tanganyika
  • Period: to

    john kirk

    embraced christian duty, science adventure, scottish physician and keen bottonist, sent back muscles and wrote on them, explored waterways, returned back to afr as a medic in 1868, vice consul in sultanate of zansibar, decently wealth had 1st steam railway afr
  • Period: to

    joseph chamberlain

    refused to be chancellor of exchequer and home sec in 1895 in order to be secretary of state for colonies 1895-1903
    had imperial preference, tariff reform league,
    nicknamed Joseph Africanus
    initiated Uganda railways and annexation of ashantiland
  • durham report

    responsible gov in settler colonies
  • livingstone doctor

    travel SA as dctr, discov unchartered territory
    went cambridge taught of minerology
  • Period: to

    evelyn baring

    Was the earl of cromer, went in 1877 to help isma'il pasha with budget came back to lond, went back in 1883 as consul general
    introduced granville doctrine and duffering report
    bullied abbas hilmi II new khedive in 1892 into submission
    was given 50,000 by gov for his work, wrote 2 books on modern egy
  • Period: to

    George Goldie

    fam had palm oil business,used for soap,lubricant and candles realised palm kernels good, make margarine. Convinced all comps in river niger to join his fam bussines,450 treaties mutual relationship he would provide money and protection, weapons, rum.
    owned 30 posts, his comp royal niger, allowed brits to get soutn and north niger at berlin conf
    comp chartered 1886 him knighted 1887
  • Period: to

    mary slessor

    victorian mill girl from slums of dundee, went to calabria nigeria stopped murder of twins and mother- locals thought it was the work of the devil.
  • lake ngomi discovered

    david livingstone
  • iron hulled ocean ships

    less coal, heavy goods, compound steam engine, reduced time between afr and brit to less than 3 weeks and increased cargo capacity
  • zambezi river discov

  • exhibition

    display of empire, ppl, weapons huts
  • gold mines new south wales

    worth £25mill
  • Period: to

    cecil rhodes

    initially ill, sent to SA, natal to work on cotton farms with his brother herbet, they closed, went to kimberely in 1871 diamond mines, borrowed money rothschild and sons bought small mines in areas and ended up owning 90% of all global production for diamonds. Pm of cape colony wanted to connect north and south, connect cape colony with egy and sudan
  • war office

    seperated from colonial office (founded in 1801) by william pitt the younger in 1854
    divided in 5 departments, north america, west indies, afr,mediterranean, aus
  • bay of bengal william mackinnon

    made calcutta and burma steam navigation comp
    became brit ind steam comp- trade burma, zanzibar east gulf
    made imperial brit east afr comp- went bankrupt
    founded churches e.g. kibuwezi, kenya
  • afr empire mapped out

    most of it!
  • new canals Ind

  • bengal sepoys refuse order MANGAL PANDEY

    pissed cartilages for the new enfield riffles, were oiled in beef and pork fat, sensitive to religion, muslims and hidus, but that was more trigger, pissed about brits and taxes
    start disobeying orders in feb 1857 outside of meetrut lob on europeans and spreads north to calcutta , lucknow
  • sep 1857 General henry havelock

    press influenced brit attitudes to emp, stories of massacres at cawnpore and atrocities committed by inds, he regained lucknow and cawnpore but died of dysentry, people erect statue in his honour in trafalgar square
  • Period: to

    brit empire

  • Period: to

    acceleration in expansion

    match claim of others
  • livingstone afr

    david livingstone
    spread 3cs
  • india office

    seperate office and secretary of state, handled ind and foreign affaits
    shows importance of ind rebellion- shook brit conf
  • doctrine of lapse

    rule of princely states fall to brit when no suitable heir
  • discv lake tanganyika

    speke and buton
    1st 2 eu men reach that far
  • brit rule restore ind

    final battle at Gwaliar
  • de lepps suez canal

    canal egy, connect mediter, red sea, arab peninsula
    route ind 6,000 mile shorter,started work 1859 and finished 10yrs later
    set up suez canal comp and ran for 99yrs
  • gov of ind act

    east ind comp land = queen land
    ind- little say
    position of secretary of state made for ind
    ind cab- advisory of 15 men(brits)
  • brit control ind

    dismantle brit east ind comp, increase the army, previously 40,000 brit troops now east ind comp army joined crown army to make ratio of 1:2, 70,000 brits, 125,000 inds, seperated by caste, religion, race, prevent unity
    dismissed bengals 62 out of 74 troops- rebellion
    favoured sikhs and gurkhas
  • wesleyan missionaries founded the ladies commitee for the amelioration of condition for women in heathen countries.

    did missionary work, helped women and kids
    1858 dec
    wesleyan missionaries founded the ladies commitee for the amelioration of condition for women in heathen countries.
  • battle at gailwar end sepoy reb

    ended 180 miles outside delhi
  • Period: to

    livingstone lost

    wanted find source nile, was consul of eastcoast afr
    found by henry stanley
  • Period: to

    brit raj

    ruled by viceroy through thin white line, he banned inds from legislative positions of power up until 1930s.
    had a legislative council of 5, responsible for law,finance,army,economy, home affairs.
    8 sizeable provinces, bombay, bengal, punjab,burma etc
    employed low-level clerks from 13 provinces to be intermediaries between ppl.
  • Period: to

    suez canal building process

    took 10yrs
    ran for 99yrs
  • Period: to

    viceroy canning

    intro of star of ind medals, help those feeling alienated by brit rule, land back to inds, civil service, position in imperial asssembly, teaching in eng,
    unis in bombay, madra, calcutta 1857
    prestige unis mayo college, bombay cathedral produce WOGS
  • christian missionaries

    on the rise 1860s
  • clipper ships

    faster, avg lifespan 20yrs, races told in newspapers,
    low volume, high profit
    transport spice, opium, tea
  • brit in mexico informal emp

    informal emp- where brit had no legal claim but was part of emp, like latin america, chile and argentina, Latin america accounted for 10% of imports and exports.
    in mexico in 1861- pressure to keep free trade treaties open
  • more exabitions

    36 countries
    28000 exhibitors south kensington
  • isma'il pasha head egy

    modernised egy, by 1870s 40% of egy imports were british
  • victoria gold

    $124mill =1/3 world production
  • mary carpenter ind

    came to improve education, skls and gaols in ind 1866
  • congo river chartered

    course of congo river chartered
    mineral reserves---- imp 4 EU
  • gbr right to vote

    only 2 mill men out of 30 mill vote
  • canada canal 1867

    deepened st lawrence/ great lakes seaway system and welland canal built to overcome height differences between lakes eyrie and ontorio
  • Period: to

    amy carmichael

    presbyterian went to india for 55yrs wrote 35 books on her experience, tried to save temple children, young girls prostetuted. wore local clothes and died her skin with coffee
  • female ind teacher

    made by mary carpenter
  • disraeli pm 1868

  • ind skl for teachers 1868

    made by mary carpenter
  • Period: to

    john kirk

    vice consul zanzibar & medic officer, then diplomat
  • egy trade importance

    1870s 40% egy import Brits
    cotton revive brit interest
  • royal colonial institute

    for those interested in empire affairs
  • india consensus 1871

    236 mill inds under brit rule
  • subsidised tea plantation

    1 in 1951 to 295 in 1871
  • disraelis crystal palace speech 1872

    said torys right for empire, views and actions 'empire party'
  • Period: to

    economic slump

    Eu great dependence afr resources
  • disraeli pm 1874

  • disraeli shares suez canal

    44% shares in canal, £4mill didn't consult parliament
    HIghway to ind, shorter, safer,faster
    *0% passing cargo on brit ships
  • goldie

    niger basin owner
    30posts fam comp, palm kernels
  • egy bankrupt

    £100 mill- are financially vulnerable
    gladstone had 37% own wealth in egy loans
  • brussel conference

    king leopold II
    Afr uncapable use resources --Eu have right
  • The Caisse de la Dette

    Aus, hung, fr ,ger, ity, russ, gbr where in charge of egypts finances, could stop brit spending money on thngs they didn't think beneficial. Half money to EU bond holders
  • la caisse de la dette

    other countries involved in egy economy, they got to veto what the british used money on, half revenu went to eu paying bond holders.1876
  • empress of ind

    queen victoria
  • annex tranvaal

    brit annex transvaalr for their planned co-federation, leads to zulu wars battle at isandlawana and then ulundi 6 months later
  • bartle frere afr

    commisioner & gov cape
    planned cofederation- war zulus- planned with lord carnavan
    lost at battle of islawands, denounced by gladstone, costly war
  • 1877 nubian village

    from sudan brought back ppl and hut to show off in expeditons
  • Period: to

    colonel charles gordon, govenor general of sudan

    on behalf of puppet khedive isma'il
  • brit invade afgh

    fear russia power area,
    10,000 losses and double on afgh side, brit vict, control afgh on north west frontier
  • battle at ulundi

    brit defeat zulus
  • boys own paper 1879

    stories of bravery contributions from colonel baden povell, invaasion of ndebele territory in 1890s
  • battle at islandwana

    zulu defeat brits
  • disraeli pm 1880

  • Period: to

    1st zulu war

    started 1880-81, zulu won at majuba hill, gladstone no more troops, money or energy
  • mahdi sudan

    muhammad ahmad declares himself mahdi
  • national party egy

    formed in 1881, revived in 1893, underground movements, educ egy, lawyers- want end to egy occup by brit
  • brits sign pretoria 1881

    recogn independ transvaal region
    end 1st boer war
  • mahdist khartoum

    had control
  • alexandria riots

    egy nationalist angry at brits, high unemp & army reduce 2/3
    tensions and anti-christian riots, 250 egy killed, 50 eus, 6 of which brits
  • brit army- hicks attack jihadist

    they fail, hicks beheaded, later gordon sent and he too gets beheaded, gladstone retreats and campaign on sudan not launched till 1896
  • brit protecterate bechunaland

    john mackenzie convinces gov
  • duffering report passed

    egy=veiled protectorate
    and Granville doctrine- by lord Granville, allowed brits to dismiss any egy in gov who didn't comply with brit rule
  • extension of vote

    2/3 can vote
  • imperial federation league

    promote colonial unity and internal imperial tariff preference
  • parlimentary reform

    5.5 mill more men vote
  • imperial federation league

    establ 1884 and closed 1893, showed dying importance of empire in terms of its economical benefits
  • imperial federation league

    established in 1884 inorder to promote closer ties, was closed in 1894, promote imperial pref, largely unsuccessful at overturning system of free trade
  • berlin conference

    Otto von Bismark, effctv occp of Afr
    basin of congo neutral
    13 countries and usa invited
    time of conf, 80% afr =local
    by 1900- 90% eu
  • made ind national congress

    demanded greater role for ind
  • ind national congress

    started by singing brit anthem, then critiqued everything bout brit rule, trade , restric on ind
  • brits in gov egy 1885

  • royal niger chartered

    goldies comp
  • gold witwatersrand 1886

    provided gold to boer dutch region transvaal, influx of skilled brits 30,000 and thus leads to uitlander problem
  • uganda

    christian and muslisms permeate buganda to convert people, king mwanga kills 20 catholics to assert control 1886, civil war broke out, he flees makes deal with brits so they get more control, re-instated in 1889
  • colonial council chamberlain

    1887 tried but failed. tried imp council in 1897 and 1902 for self gov colonies for imperial defence and custom union, the idea was rejected.
  • De Boers consolidated mines comp

    cecil rhodes after he acquired kimberley mines
  • colonial loans and stocks act

    1899 ans 1890 which facilitated inrastructure projects in africa like lagos and mabosa
  • rhodes monopoly diamond supply

    brit SA comp
    owned all diamonds
    was pm of cape colony
  • brit- ger agreement

    ger take tanganyika
    brit take uganda and kenya
  • Egy anger 1890s

    Nationalist movements anger at brits, reason for Khedive corrupt, not promoting egy cloth industry, not helping poor, no good oppor for educ egy
  • brit zanzibar

    take as protectorate in 1890, brit get zanzibar, ger get tanzania, sultan Hamad bin thuwaini, sudden death, 1896 poison rumours, his cousin Khalid takes place, asked step down, war 38 min shortest in history killed 500 bro fire caused by bombardments, sultan hamud placed on throne 6yrs
  • Period: to

    glory of newspaper

    popular press and golden age of newspaper articles
  • resign samuel crowther

    nigerian bishop anglican, too lax heathens
    clash with brit
  • end ger occup east afr 1891

    due to rhodes
  • reform ind

    educated inds in provisional council
  • Period: to

    1st ndebele war

    known as south zambezi because of the zambezi river, became rhodesia after cecil rhodes
    ndebele rule from capital bulawayo- king longebula
    brit discov gold, 80,000 warriors stood little chance against weapons and brit south afr troops
  • brit trade with non impr wrld

    1894- 64 mill hundred weight wheat imported, 30.7 mill USA, 17.2 russia & 3.6 mill canada, emp provided less than 10% of produce
  • wheat imported from colonies 1894

    64 mill hundren weight wheat imported 30.7 from usa, 17.2 mill russia, 3.6 mill canada
  • kenya protectorate

    sheikh mbaruk bin rashid, kenya, given weapons from the ger, took up arms against brits, took 4 months to quash rebellion. protectorate in 1895, colony in 1920
  • kenya protectorate 1895

    useful for trade, brit east afr comp
    sheikh bin rashid took up arms against brits had weapons from gers
    formed protectorate 1895, colony 1920
  • jameson raid

    uprising in SA failure, embarass for GBR, 500 mount police tried to launch attack, failed, surrendered in 4 days
    jameson and 12 others sentenced to imprisonement by gov, rhodes denounced
  • brit ashanteland

  • uganda railway

    from mambosa to lake victoria
    5yr build, 2500 wrk killed,£5 mil, 660miles
  • brit 1890 zanzibar protectorate

    led by sultan Hamad bin Thuwairi, dided food poisoning, his cousin khalid took over, brit wage war 38 min, then put new sultan for 6 yrs Hamud
  • 1896 empires total trade

    £745 mill total trade and £183 mill with empire
    expanding empire does not equal expanding trade.
  • rhodes resign as pm of cape colony

    1896 after the jameson raid
  • empire day 1896

    made by a lord meath in 1896 but it was not celebrated until 1902
  • alfred holmsworth daily mail 1896

    low retail price 1896, low middle class market
  • empire day 1896

    was founded by lord meath in 1896 but was not celebrated until 1902
  • brit afr trade 1897

    afr took only 1.2% of brit exports
  • afr brit exports 1897

    africa took only 1.2% of GDR exports
  • imperial march queen victor 1897

    was written by Edward Elgar, really famous compositor
    and wrote caracatus - military music in 1898
    the crown of ind- 1911
    hard for kids to escape message of empire from books and songs
  • joseph chamberlain propesed conf 1897

    proposed imperial defence and custom union, involv just self gov colonies- idea rejected
  • alfred miller brit high commisioner SA

    picked by chamberlain.- him and paul kruger- who was re-elected feb 1898 had troubles over uitlanders, no way out either war or reform,
    founded brits skls in johannesburg and pretoria,
    took brit into 2nd anglo boer war, demanded full citizenship after 5 yrs- bloemfontein conference
  • fashoda incident

    french vs brits after brits had just defeated sudan, kitchener went to headwaters of nile and stopped french from laying claims to land, 'two nations on brink of war'
  • ind newspapers anti-brit

    shivram paranjape 1898- made tha kaal
    bal tilak = kesari
  • west afr rebellions sierra leone

    severe tax on dwellings 'hut tax' and to maintain roads. High resistance , employed scorched earth policy, brit gov asked leniency, hung 96 chief warriors, hundreds killed in process, main advisory chief bai bureh, nov 1898
  • the kruger ultimatum

    Kruger presd of boers, and milner gbr, talk franchise, kruger offers half, milner no, demands 5yr franchise qualif and indp gov
  • colonial loans and stocks act 1899

    facilitated infrastructure proj such as rail links in afr,
    even invest oversea no longer priority, doubled from 2bill 1900 to 4 bill 1913, loans outside emp= bigger profit, loans within emp can provide rivals for brit businesses
  • forming of rhodesia 1899

    formed from ndebele territory nown as matabeleland for brits became rhodesia in 1899.
  • claiming famine relief bombay 1899

    curzon stopped 1 mill ppl in bombay from claiming famine relief from 1899-1902
  • 2nd anglo boear war 1899

    sold over a million copies a day 1899-1902
  • abhinav bharat society ind

    founded by 2 bors ghanesh and vinyat, home of ind unrest
    killed brits, such as lieutenant colonel curzon-wyllie and distric magistrate arthur jackson
  • mad mullah somaliland

    mohammed abdullah hassan- military and religious leader, angered after fr christian missionaries convert 5 kids, 'stole our kids' campaign to fight eus, drive christians to sea
    army 20,000 raids on brits
    only quashed after 1920 bombs to kill the camps, dervish stronghold
  • Period: to

    2nd anglo-boer war

    brits bring 400,000 troops worth £230 mill- general kitchener and roberts
    scorched earth policy, concentration camps, stop guerilla tactics
    left north ind vulnerable with only 100,000 to guard border kitchener put blacks in concentration camps, no shelter no food or water had to work for provsions 130,000-20,000 dead, full of disease
    whites put in camps but had tents and rations, racism
    criticised by emily hobhouse a welfare campaigner
  • Russian railway

    Near afgh, Tashkent, feb 1900- 300000 russian troops near afgh, growing fear, too close to ind and suez canal
  • nigeria north 1900

    brit took control in 1900, after french recognised claim (only if brit recign claim to fr madagascar)
  • investment oversea brit 1900

    doubled from $2bill in 1900 to 1913 $4bill
  • supervised acquisition of royal niger comp 1900 chamberlain

  • Gertude page fem writer

    female writer- subtle but almost religious belief in empire, after she moved to Rhodesia in 1900 and wrote 20 novels
  • boys empire league

    founded by howard handley spicer had 7000 mbs by 1900
    each yr winner got £25 and a trip to a colony
  • Period: to

    square mile increase for wheat production

    six fold, 45 thousand increase in square miles of land
  • imperial cadet corps

    founded by Curzon, please princely states, adop gold standards,military training
  • victoria league

    founded by women, not political but to encourage and strengthen ties to empire. 1901
  • education act 1902

    opened 1000 skls over decade, raised skl standard
  • national proficiency 1902

    make sure brits don't decline,fear falling behind especially in comparison to other big powers like USA and Germany at the time, focus on education and industrial productivity aswell as health and welfare
  • john a hobson

    strongest critic of empire, wrote imperial in 1902, view catalysed by second Anglo-Boer war, reason for emp rich economists capitalising on wealth
  • vereeniging peace conf milner and kruger

    31 may 1902- with lord kitchener
    wanted to re-vemp area, anclisise and attract brits, didn't happen most left after boer war milners kindergarden- lawyers, administrators worked resettle Boer
    failed had to bring in coolies- chinese workers, who they mistreated gave boers £3mill to rebuild farms
  • Entente cordiale signed with FR

    1904, after 1989 fashoda incident 2 countries grew close!
    Fr recognise brit egy, if brit recognise French Morroco.
    After this Caisse de la Dette worked as a debt collection agency for foreign bondholders.
  • etente cordiale 1904

    fr and brit grew closer after fashoda incident,
    removed other countries say on egy finances
    recogn brit dominance over egy as long as brit recogn fr morroco
  • curzon forced resign

    tried to surpress ind press, uproar against bengal from hindu elite who owned land in east
  • brits in gov egy 1905

    over 1000
  • split of bengal 1905

    curzon tried split provence of bengal in 2, widespread resistance, reversed in 1911 hindus-west
    hindus outraged = wealth land owners used to make good money selling off land to muslim peasants
  • clash at denshawai EGY

    brit officers & egy villagers 1906, 52 arrested, 4 sent to death for murder. 1 life sentence, 26 ppl hard labours & flogging
  • conf of Algeciras 1906

    ger press fr in Morroco, Gbr help in conf stand by fr,
  • nigeria south 1906

  • tariff reform league chamberlain

    died 1906, ppl voted out, opted for free trade which said that there should be preference for trading within the empire, imperial preference
  • The Dreadnought 1906

    royal navy new battle ship
  • FSM intro

    1906- liberal social reforms
  • kaal popular paranjape arrested

    he was arrested on sedition- speech that causes rebellion
    19 months, beaten and labours, kaal was banned
  • Period: to

    national efficiency

    30,000 boer troops able to hold out against brits
    40% of those volunteering for army seen as unfit
    8,000 from 11,000 volunteers in manchester turned away
  • triple entente 1907

    russian navy huge loss to japan, joined with brit and fr, afgh now brit sphere of influence
  • imperial colleged 1907

    tech,med and science
  • skl medic inspect 1907

  • welfare charter and pensions 1908

  • bal tilak arrested 3 times sedition

    was father of unrest
    accused of causing death of guard, funded skls for inds pride, joined national congress
    was head of swadeshi- self sufficiency campaign- undermine raj
  • unrestricted power LOND GOV

    they had unrestricted access to raj until 1909
  • more reform inds

    educated inds in provisional council
  • inds council act 1909

    22 inds chosen from provincial constituencies help viceroy council make laws
  • Uni in egy

    first one in 1909, only religious educ,
  • imperial conference

    ger and brit race for colonies, brit couldn't compete against the two strongest navies, brit settled 60% margains over ger, ambitious, july 1912 ger couldn't make deal, brit pull out meditar, focus on power in eu
  • 1910 elections ind

    135 inds got seats, viceroy Hardingae saw harm in divide, used King George Vs visit to Ind to unite Bengal
  • russ and fr synthetic rubber production 1910

  • sa united 1910

    allowed to keep own voting policies,
    1906 transvaal allowed own self gov
    1907 orange free state same
  • reverse of bengal split 1911

    before split into 2, east& assasm= muslim,
    hindu= west
  • Morroco tension fr, ger, brit

    1911 20,000 fr troop quash rebel in Fez, ger send warship Panther, brit= navy, ger pull back panther
  • unemployment and health insurance bill 1911

  • lutyen architecture in emp and britain

    made Johannesburg gallery in 1911
    and re-built all of Calcutta in 1912 and visited a few times until it was finished in 1914
  • New legislative assembly 1913

    replaced the advisory council of laws & general assembly
    consisted of 66 elected mbs & 17 appointed nominees egy
  • Egy direct rule dec 1914

    only colony when joined ww1, before owned by Turkey, sultan=khedive
  • Ind ww1

    Viceroy Hardingae declared war on Inds behalf aug 1914, 1.3 mill inds join fight, relatively no complaints
  • 1914 canada supply to brit

    by 1914 they supplied 10% brit beef and 15% wheat flour
  • nigeria unified 1914

  • cananda supplies to brit by 1914

    They supplied 10% beef and 15% wheat flour
  • girls friendly society

    had 200,000 mbs by 1914
    encourage emigration for own personal good, ellen joyle
  • general smut 1914

    was in charge of SA troops, successfully defeated gers in colonies,
    imperial war cabinet gave advice on war in eu
    136000 white SA mbs fought middle east and western front
  • ind ww1

    1.3 mill on volunteer basis
    3x more aus,cand,nzld combined
    74,000 killed in action
  • ww1

    war broke out, brit declare war on behalf of emp, some troops from emp but most fight supposed to be british
    2.5 mill men from colonies
    and from self gov colonies, but they wanted to remain under their own nationality and wanted a say in what happened to their troops
    indigenous sent quick- 4000 1st nation canada, 2500 maori, 1000 aus
    enthusiasm died, heavy losses
  • egy=protectorate 1914

    1.2 mill conscripted to fight in middle east
    100,000 fought in eu- 50% died
  • africa in ww1

    blacks not to fight in eu
    million human porters forced to fight germans in tanganyika, nearly 100,000 died
  • carribean war time office 1915

    they were not allowed, blacks, to come fight with whites in eu, racism, if they did were put to labour, dig trenches, carriers,
    west indies 15,000 men joined
  • conscription nzld 1916

  • aus reeferendums to reject conscription

    one in 1916 and other in 1917,
    devestating impacct of war- 60,000 aus, 16,000 nzlnd, 7000 SA killedd
  • 1917 balfour declaration

    foreign secretary arthur balfour wrote letter to rothschild bank, Jewish, promise support for making of Jew homeland, so long as no aggression to Arabs already living there. declared publicly, support from brit and usa
  • conscription cand 1917

  • ind gov ww1

    contribute over £100 mill to war time efforts
    secretary of state edwin morganthu, more indep growing support for selg gov of ind
  • jew pop palestine 8% 1918

  • cand riots against conscription

    anti-war, quebec cand march 1918 riots
  • rowlatt act 1919 ind

    hard power authorities arrest ppl against brit rule, counter productive results.
    armistar massacre april 1919- nationalism grew
    esp after ind war efforts ww1- viceroy and council scared inds want more freedom
    'twin track strategy' deal with rebellion strictly and make reforms to get them work.
  • pan-afr congress 1919

    in fr after ww1 ends, delegation of SA attend, post war versailles peace conf support/ represent Afr case.
  • kenya as colony

  • jew pop palestine 16.9% 1931

  • irlnd loss

    1916 started breaking away dubline, rising in easter put down by brits
    guerilla warfare 1921- anglo irish treaty signed
    made eire 1931- westminister
    contested by 6 protestants- chose to stay under brits
  • INA sundra chandra bose

    indian national army, help rid ind and asia of brits
    led by sunhas chandra bose
    30,000 inds joined
  • jpn stealing colonies

    rid brits invincibility complex, took burma and malaya
    1944 tried to take 1944
  • 1944 brits sweeping gers out of north afr

    vry important battle ground, fr,br,itly,ger all fight for suez canal and oil- egy and palestine.
    battle of el alamein nov 1944- sweep gers out of north afr
  • ind independ

    wanted seperate indian state to muslim state- pakistan
    gandhi and ina quit ind campaigns- brit scared
    cotton no longer benef, riots from ina- fear widespread violence
    brit sent new viceroy lord louis manthbutten bring about independ ind soon as possible 1917
    did aug 1947 ind free
  • egyp client state 1954

    was protectorate in 1914 ww1, remained till 1936 anglo-egy treaty 1936, troops go until protect suez canal, egy client state of brits until 1954