The Mexican Independence
The mexican independence was a conflict that started in 1810 to 1821 this result in the separation of mexico from spain colonies. -
The Independence of Texas
When mexico proclaimes as a nation got a lot of problems with northest states beacause they were to far from the capital and have different ideologies in some areas like religion,diversity and languaje. In 1836 Texas get independent from mexico later on became part of United States -
Mexican American War and Mexican Cession
This was a dark period for our nation we lose the war with USA (1846 to 1848) and lost the half of our territory -
Reforma war
When Benito Juarez become president the people doesnt want him for been a indiguenous person and he separate the church from the goverment this divide the country in Liberales and conservadores this civil war start in 1858 to 1861 -
Second Mexican Empire
This event caused the election of Maximiliano de Habsburgo known as the emperor of Mexico form after the second french intervention in 1863 to 1867 -
Porfiritao was a period of industralization in Mexico that takes 34 years from 1877 to 1911 trains,electricity foreign companies came here,telephone and cars by the president Porfirio Diaz but he doesnt care for the low class people so then start a revolt in 1910 to end his period one year later. -
Mexican Revolution and Revolutionary Leaders
This revolution originates after the reelection of Porfirio Diaz this movment starts after several reunions of the low classes people that become known as carrancistas this revolution start in 1910 to 1920 but in 1917 the new constitution was created and give some calm to the situation. -
In 1917 the new constitution takes place in Queretaro were several people get united to sign the new laws of Mexico -
Cristero war
it was a conflict that starts in 1926 to 1929 between the goverment and some religiuos groups -
Maximato and Foundation of PRI
This period was known as one of the most relevant in the history of our nation for having the first electoral parties in power from 1928 to 1934 -
Cardenismo and oil
This period starts in 1934 to 1940 with a expropiation of oil beetween our country and others. -
Mexico during the WW2 and Mexican Miracle 1940-1970
Mexico participate in WW2 after 15 sunk ships of cargo they trained soldiers to participate in the US army and others the most famous squadron was the 201 they were 30 pilots that fought with the americans against Japanese empire.
The Mexican miracle was a period of oportunities in the country we got a estabilized economy and the pseo was competing with the dollar in those years from 1940 to 1970. -
1968 Tlatelolco Massacre and Olympic Games
TheTlatelolco Massacre was a dark moment when the mexican soldiers rush against the students in plaza tlatelolco after some disturbences and movments. President Diaz Ordaz was furious after seen disturbence in the year of the olympics so he send to kill the students and clean the streets before the olympics begins. -
Economic Crisis and the 1985 Earthquake
Golden days of Mexico ended with a crushed economy and a great earthquake that caused serial loses in 1985 -
Salinato 1988-1994 NAFTA and EZLN
Salnato was known as one of the worst lie in presidential elections with Salinas de Gortari known as a cheater in the elections that caused several confronts beetween EZLN and the goverment of Salinas. NAFTA was a commercial trade between USA ,Canada and Mexico