
Brief History of ICSU

  • International Association of Academies

    International Association of Academies
  • International Research Council

    International Research Council
  • ICSU is founded

    ICSU is founded
  • International Geophysical Year

    International Geophysical Year
  • International Biological Programme

    International Biological Programme
  • Organized International Conference for Science and Development in the 21st Century

    Organized International Conference for Science and Development in the 21st Century
  • Advicer to United Nations Conference on Environment and Development

    Advicer to United Nations Conference on Environment and Development
  • Scientific Forum

    Scientific Forum
  • World Summit Sustainable Development

    World Summit Sustainable Development
  • World Summit Information Society

    World Summit Information Society
  • World Summit Information Society

    World Summit Information Society
  • ICSU 75th Anniversary

    ICSU 75th Anniversary
  • International Polar Year

    International Polar Year
  • Climate Change. Disaster Risk Reduction and Sustainable Development

    Climate Change. Disaster Risk Reduction and Sustainable Development
  • Awarded The Science Diplomacy Award

    Awarded The Science Diplomacy Award
  • Opens Regional Office for LA and the Caribbean in El Salvador

    Opens Regional Office for LA and the Caribbean  in El Salvador