Old map england (1)

Brief History of Britain

  • 400 BCE

    Earliest times

    Earliest times
    Britain prehistory
    The Celts
    The Romans Britain is an island, and Britain's history has been
    closely connected with the sea . Until modern times
    it was as easy to travel across water as it was across
    land , where roads were frequently unusable. At
    moments of great danger Britain has been saved
    from danger by its surrounding seas. Britain's
    history and its strong national sense have been
    shaped by the sea.
  • 430

    The Saxons

    The Saxons
    Jutes The wealth of Britain by the fourth cen tury, the
    result of its mild climate and centuries of peace , was
    a temptation to the greedy. At first the Germanic
    ir ibes only raided Britain , but afte r AD 430 they
    began to set tle. The newcom ers were warlike and
    illiterate. We owe our knowledge of this period
    mainly to an English monk named Bede, who lived
    three hundred years later
  • 842

    The Vikings

    The Vikings
    842 first Viking raiders
    865 Invasion and settlements
    950 England rich and peaceful under Viking kings Towards the end of the eighth century new raiders
    were tempted by Britain 's wealth. These were the
    Vikings, they came from Norway and Denmark.
    They only raided at first. In 865 the Vikings invaded Britain this time they came to conquer and to settle. The Vikings quickly
    accepted Christianity and did not disturb the local
  • 1066

    The Celtic kingdoms

    The Celtic kingdoms
    England has always played the most powerful part
    in the history of the British Isles. However, the
    other three countries, Wales, Ireland and Scotland,
    have a different history. The stories of Wales,
    Ireland and Scotland are also important, because
    the ir people still feel different from the Anglo Saxon English. The experience of the Welsh, Irish and Scots helps to explain the feeling they have today.
  • 1070

    The Early Middle Ages

    The Early Middle Ages
    The Norman Conquest William the Conqueror had governed England and
    Normandy by travelling from one place to another
    to make sure that his authority was accepted. He,
    and the kings after him , raised some of the money
    they needed by trying cases and fining people in the
    royal courts. The king's "household" was the
    government, and it was always on the move.
  • 1275

    The beginning of Parliament

    The beginning of Parliament
    Edward I The beginning of Parliament
  • 1330

    The late Middle Ages

    The late Middle Ages
  • 1485

    The Tudors 1485-1603

    The Tudors 1485-1603
    Henry VII
    Henry VIII
    Elisabeth I
  • The Stuarts 1602-1714

    The Stuarts  1602-1714
    The Civil War
    Republican Britain
  • The Eighteen Century

    The Eighteen Century
    Political world
    The loss of American Colonies
  • The years of Revolution

    The years of Revolution
    The Industrial Revolution
    Napoleonic Wars
  • The nineteen Century Victorian Age

    The nineteen Century  Victorian Age
    Workers revolts
    Family Life
    Growth of towns and cities
  • Te twentieth Century

    Te twentieth Century
    Britain at War :
    The first WW
    The second WW
    The lost of the Empire
    Northern Ireland
  • The Twenty-first Century

    The Twenty-first Century
    The Welfare State
    Technological Revolution
    The Brexit