Stone-Lifting Traditions
Stone-lifting traditions were practiced in ancient Egypt, Greece and Tamilakam. Western weightlifting developed in Europe from 1880 to 1953, with strongmen displaying feats of strength for the public and challenging each other. History of Bodybuilding. (2004). Bodybuilding History. -
The "Father of Bodybuilding"
Eugen Sandow allowed audiences to enjoy viewing his physique in "muscle display performances". In 1890, he traveled to America to be coined as the world's strongest man as he impressed people with his strength. History of Bodybuilding. (2004). Bodybuilding History. -
The Great Competition
The first bodybuilding competition coined "The Great Competition" took place at England's Royal Albert Hall. There was a sold out crowd of 2000 people. The first place winner received a gold Sandow statuette. https://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/drobson61.htm -
"Physical Culture"
Barnarr Macfadden, who was known as the father of physical culture, sold equipment for bodybuilding. In 1921, he published one of the first bodybuilding magazines titled "Physical Culture". http://forums.musculardevelopment.com/showthread.php/162710-Physical-Culture-The-first-bodybuilding-magazine -
The Golden Age
The 30's were known as the Golden Age for bodybuilding. People from all over began to develop an interest in training and losing body fat. In California, weightlifting on the beachfront became popular. The famous Muscle Beach in Santa Monica was founded in 1934. https://www.venicebeach.com/muscle-beach/ -
Mr. America
By 1940, the first modern bodybuilding event had arrived, the Mr. America, which was won by John Grimek, who also won it the following year. Grimek, unparalleled in muscular development up until that point, became the catalyst for a new direction in physical improvement. As bodybuilding became more popular, the quality of physique improved. https://www.greatestphysiques.com/male-physiques/john-grimek/ -
Size & Symmetry
Steve Reeves, a bodybuilder who had won Mr. America, brought the concept of size and symmetry to a new level. Steve, with his classic muscle, is still considered by many today to have the perfect bodybuilding physique. His sculpted body coupled with rugged good looks attracted the attention of Italian film makers. Reeves starred in the first Hercules movies and other European films. -
Mr. Olympia is Founded
As it was started by the International Federation of Bodybuilders, Mr. Olympia was considered the most important bodybuilding competition in the world. The first one was won by Larry Scott. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNPb2fYUxIs -
Schwarzenegger Makes His Appearance
Consecutively from 1970-1975, Arnold Schwarzenegger placed first in Mr. Olympia-- earning his stripes as the number one bodybuilder in the world. He won two more times. However, much of his success can be related to bringing the bodybuilding world to the movie industry. https://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/drobson61.htm -
The Film Industry
The 80's and on can be credited to the crossover from the bodybuilding world to the movie industry. Film stars and athletes improve their fitness levels in order to increase their marketability and performance in film. Consider Sylvester Stallone and Chuck Norris becoming noticeably more muscular, as had athletes Ben Johnson and Carl Lewis, for example. -
Anabolic Steroid Control Act of 1990
U.S. Congress placed anabolic steroids into Schedule III of the Controlled Substances Act (CSA). With this law in place, it had been discovered that doping across bodybuilding had become an epidemic. This act was placed in hopes of lessening the use of steroids across all sports. Note that this was not just then becoming an issue-- steroid use has been tracked back to the 60's. https://www.verywellfit.com/the-safety-of-anabolic-steroids-3498772 -
Bodybuilding... Not a Sport?
In the early 2000s, the IFBB attempted to make bodybuilding an Olympic sport. As it obtained full IOC membership in 2000, this did not happen and Olympic recognition for bodybuilding remains controversial since many argue that bodybuilding is not a sport. What do you think? https://www.brainpop.com/health/personalhealth/olympics/