Bri's Lifespan

  • Graduate High School

    By May of 2020, I will graduate high school with at least a 3.8 GPA.
  • Go To College

    I'm not sure yet what college I want to go to and for what, but I know that I want to get a degree in something that I enjoy!
  • Graduate College

    One I get into the college I want to go to, I hope to graduate in the least amount of time possible with at least a B average.
  • Buy A House

    After I graduate from college, I will hopefully have a good job doing what I love! Shortly after I want to buy a house to officially start my life!
  • Get Married/Start A Family

    After I am settled into my new home, I want to get married and start my family! I only want one - two kids, but I do hope to be married first!