World War 1 ends.
After World War One ends, Italy experiences severe economic problems. Inflation grew, and both industrial and agricultural workers staged strikes. Socialists began to speak of revolution. -
Mussolini creates the Fascio di Combattimento, or League of Combat.
Benito Mussolini, a former socialist, creates the League of Combat. From this grew the philosophy of fascism. With fascism, the state is glorified above the individual by emphasizing the need for a strong central governmentled by a dictatorial ruler. -
Benito Mussolini sets up the first European fascist movement in Italy.
The fascist movement starts and begins to flourish throughout the years. -
Period: to
Peasants begin to sabatoge the Communist program by hoarding food.
Along with this situation came adrought. This caused a terrible famine between 1920 and 1922, and as many as 5 million lives were lost. -
Lenin pulls Russia back out of the abyss and abandons war communism in favor of his New Economic Policy. (NEP)
The NEP was a modified version of the old capitalist system. Peasants were allowed to sell their produce openly. Retail stores, as well as small industries that employed fewer than 20 workers, could be privately owned and operated. Heavy industry, banking, and mines, however, remained in the hands of the government. -
Famine was caused to occuur
After the war, peasants sabotaged the communist program by hoarding all of their food. It became more of a problem when drought caused a terrible famine. -
By 1921, industrial output was only 20 percent of its 1913 level.
At this point, 5 million people have died from the famine, and Russia was exhausted. A peasant banner proclaimed, "Down with Lenin and horse flesh. Bring back the czar and pork." -
Lenin and the communists formally create a new state called the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. (USSR)
By this time, a revived market and a good harvest had brought an end to famine. Soviet agricultural production climbed to 75 percent of its prewar level. -
By 1922, Mussolini's movement was growing quickly.
The middle-class fear of socialism, communism, and disorder made the Fascists increasingly attractive to many people. -
Mussolini and the fascists threatened to march on Rome.
Mussolini threatened to march on Rome if the fascists were not given power. The king of Italy, Victor Emanuel III gives in and makes Mussolini prime minister. -
Lenin dies.
Leader of the social Bolshevik movement Vladimir Lenin dies at the age of 54 from syphilis. -
The fascists had outlawd many political parties in Italy. Later on Fascist had established a secret police, which was known as the OVRA. The ending of that year, Mussolini ruled Italy as their leader. -
The Fasciats outlaw all other political parties.
Once the fascists outlawed all other political parties, they established a secret police, known as the OVRA. By the end of the year, Benito Mussolini ruled Italy as Il Duce, or "The Leader". -
Mussolini leads, and the OVRA takes over.
The OVRA watched citizens' political activities and enforced government policies. Also, the Italian fascists also tried to exercise control over all forms of mass media,including newspapers, radio, and film. With this, Fascist propaganda was spreading rapidly. -
Italy adopted dictatorial regimes
only two main europeion states remained democratic. Italy and many other European states had adopted dictatorial regimes. Many regimes took old and new forms. A new form of dictatorship was the modern totalitarian state. -
By 1939, Fascist youth groups included about 66 percent of the population between the ages of 8 and 18.
These youth groups particularly focused on military activities and values. With these, the Fascists hoped to create a new nation of Italians who were fit, disciplined, and war-loving.