Bread variety

Bread timeline

  • 8000 BCE

    First bread made

    First bread made
    The earliest bread was made in the Middle East, specifically Egypt. The grian was ground with the quern. The quern was the first known grinding tool. Grain was crushed and the bakers produced what we now commonly recognize in its closest form as chapatis or tortillas.
  • 3500 BCE

    First Fermentation

    First Fermentation
    Based on archaeological evidence that has been found, fermentation was being used in one manner or another by this time. The first fermentation was probably an accident caused by a stray bacteria of yeast.
  • 3000 BCE

    First baked leavened bread

    First baked leavened bread
    The Ancient Egyptians made the first baked leavened bread. They discovered how to ferment the gruel. After this they cooked it on hot flat stones as was normal.
  • 1000 BCE

    Cultivation of rye

    Cultivation of rye
    Rye was first grown in southern Russia and central Asia. After eastern Europeans realized that their climate was too harsh for growing wheat, they began to grow rye instead which stood up better to the harsh climate. Rye also grew in the nutrient deprived soil of Europe.!panel=3773648!
  • 800 BCE

    Mesopotamians start using animal milling

    Mesopotamians start using animal milling
    The Mesopotamians refined milling using two flat, circular stones, stacked on top one another to grind the grain. These stones were continuously rotated by draft animals or slaves.
  • 600 BCE

    Persians invent windmilling

    Persians invent windmilling
    The Persians had invented a windmill system for milling grains
  • 450 BCE

    Romans invent water-milling

    Romans invent water-milling
    The Romans took bread to what was subsequently regarded as an art form. The richer Romans considered whiter bread as higher quality and more suited to the educated and wealthy.
  • 150 BCE

    Bakers Guild

    Bakers Guild
    The first Bakers Guild is formed in Rome. These guilds would make exclusive bread for the rich and would also give out bread to the poor in times of need.
  • 1260

    Trencher bread

    Trencher bread
    Trencher bread or a bread trencher, was used as an edible plate made from a thick slice of three day old bread. It was commonly served at feast where meat in sauce was served. Trencher bread had a trench cut around the side of the plate to retain any gravy or juices
  • Bagels

    A baker in Vienna, Austria, accidentally invented the bagel. He made it as a tribute to the King of Poland, Jan Sobieski III, who led forces to save Austria from Turkish invaders.
  • The steel roller mill was invented

    The steel roller mill was invented
    The steel roller mill was invented, in Switzerland. This was revolutionary in the world of bread baking. Instead of crushing the grain, the roller system broke it open instead, this made it easier to separate the endosperm, germ and bran
  • Discovery of yeast

    Discovery of yeast
    Yeast is identified as a plant like organism used for fermentation and leavening, this is thanks to early microscopes. This was previously unknown to bakers, despite early bread still using yeast. Before this discovery bakers did not know what made the bread rise, they just knew how they could get it to rise.
  • Baking powder

    Baking powder
    Chemist Eben Horsford invented baking powder. This allowed bakers to invent quick breads such as banana bread or Irish soda bread.
  • White Flour

    White Flour
    White flour is invented. People who owned the mills started to just use the endosperm of the grain. More people started eating because it has more health benefits than other flours.
  • Wonder bread

    Wonder bread
    Wonder Bread was one of the first sliced breads. During WW2 Wonder Bread went back to unsliced. Today Wonder Bread is one of the biggest sliced breads brands in the world.
  • The greatest thing since sliced bread

    The greatest thing since sliced bread
    The first automatically sliced commercial bread loaves were produced on July 6, 1928, in Chillicothe, Missouri, using a machine invented by Otto Rohwedder. He faced skepticism from bakers, who thought factory-sliced loaves would quickly go stale or fall apart. Nevertheless, in 1928, Rohwedder’s “power-driven, multi-bladed” bread slicer was put into service at his friend Frank Bench’s Chillicothe Baking Company.
  • Enriched White Bread

    Enriched White Bread
    Continental Baking began adding vitamins and minerals to Wonder Bread as part of a government-sponsored program of enriching white bread, which was notoriously deficient in vitamin and mineral content.
  • Ban on sliced bread

    Ban on sliced bread
    The U.S. Secretary of Agriculture banned the sale of sliced bread in hopes of keeping prices down during an era of wartime rationing.
  • The Chorleywood process

    The Chorleywood process
    The Chorleywood bread process is invented. This process was huge in the industrialisation of bread because this process could make a batch of bread in three and a half hours. This allowed producers of bread to make bread faster so they could package it and sell it more efficiently.
  • The Bread Machine

    The Bread Machine
    A Japanese Matsushita invents the first bread machine. It allows you to make bread loafs at home and it was so big because all you had to do was put the ingredients in. After that the machine did the mixing, proofing and baking.