Hiking photo

Brazil Trip Activites Plan

  • Arrival to Brazil

    Arrival to Brazil
    We will arrive at Brazil, at nighttime. We will go straight to the hotel to sleep/unpack.
  • Day One Of Activities

    Day One Of Activities
    First we will go for breakfast, and after that our day will immidiately begin. Our first acitivity will be paddle-boarding, to prepare for the next activity, Wind surfing. There will be breaks between the two activites for lunch. After wind surfing they can spend the rest of the day as they please, as long as they hang around the hotel complex.
  • Day Two:

    Day Two:
    On the second day, we will start out with wind surfing but then do some kayaking. They will get home a bit later, due to them kayaking up a river and going back is quite difficult.
  • Day Three:

    Day Three:
    On Day three, We will take our usual breakfast, and they will have an hour to do as they please around the hotel campus, before a coach comes to pick us up, and take us to the foot of a mountain, which we'll be hiking up. The path is quite rocky, and isn't reccomended if your child is afraid of heights. This will be the only activity for the day, because, for one, it'll take a long time to get up and down the mountain, as it is very large, and the children will also probably be very tired after.
  • Day Four:

    Day Four:
    On Day four of our trip, we'll be going camping on a mountain that we've hiked up before. This is an optional activity, so if your child is uncomfortable sleeping outside, this is not mandatory, and they can stay at the hotel and do whatever they want within the hotel grounds for an entire day.
  • Day Five:

    Day Five:
    Today will be a day for shopping! Today will be a rest day, where they can do whatever they want, and a bus will come to pick up whoever wants to go shopping in the area around Brazil. They will have the entire day to do shopping, and for the people who don't want to go shopping, will have to come along anyway, because they can't stay at the hotel all the time, this is not the reason they came to Brazil, hopefully!
  • Day Six:

    Day Six:
    On Day Six, We will be doing Catamaraning the entire day. This sport is very fun but dangerous if you aren't a confident swimmer, which was one of the requirements to be attending this trip. If you fall over and don't know how to swim, (You'll be wearing life jackets of course) you will probably be trapped under the boat, and if you can't swim out, you will drown.
  • Day Seven:

    Day Seven:
    We will go shopping again. Not much else to today, Except buying. We will also eat outside for today, but not togehter, the kids can choose where they can go to eat in the shopping area.
  • Day Eight:

    Day Eight:
    We will be catamaraing again today. We might go shopping afterwards at nighttime if there is time.
  • Day Nine:

    Day Nine:
    Today we will be going wind surfing again, but even if the wind is strong, we will try to stay outside because they will have gotten better at wind surfing at this point and the wind should not be a bother.
  • Day Ten:

    Day Ten:
    We will be going to do one last day of hiking, and when we get back, the students will start packing.
  • Day Eleven: Leaving Brazil

    Day Eleven: Leaving Brazil
    This is the day we unfortunately have to leave. After a good 11 days of activities, we will be leaving to the airport at 6:00 PM, as the bus will come to pick us up. We will probably come back to Kuwait in early morning.