Brazil Historical Events

  • Nov 19, 1500

    Claiming new land

    Claiming new land
    In 1500 The Portuguese arrived in Brazil and claimed new land in Brazil
  • Invation in Brazil

    Invation in Brazil
    In 1630 Dutch had almost half of Brazils land but by 1649 the Portuguese were trying to take the land and by 1654 the Dutch surrendered.
  • Brazil finnally states indepentence

    Brazil finnally states indepentence
    Pedro the first chose the Brazilian side and declared Brazils independence from Portugal on September 7th 1822
  • Brazil declares war on Germany

    Brazil declares war on Germany
    Brazil declares the first world war on Germany in 1917 they now join the allied power with the Americas. soon after the decloration was made on October 26, 1917
  • Second war happens

    Second war happens
    Brazil Declares war on the Axis powers of Germany and Italy. The USA joins the allied powrs and tries to help bring down the Axis powers. Brazils main goal was to improve their overall military power. The Americans helped train their miliary to become powerful and were givin equitment
  • First World Cup win

    First World Cup win
    The Brazilians win their first world cup in 1958. This makes their fan base more popular and more people will want to watch their games because of their overall greatness
  • Second world cup

    Second world cup
    Brazil wins their second world cup and that makes their fanbase even more popular and their team becomes more confident knowing fans beleive in them
  • new government contol

    new government contol
    Brazil wants military control because they want to expand their economy and imports were allowed in the country.
  • new election

    new election
    the first president election happend since 1960. Fernando Collor de Mello won the votes but did not win the election. Luiz inacio Lula da Silva won the election because of the two round system. That means that they have a second round of voting
  • New President around

    The first women president won the election in Brazil and became president of Brazil in 2011. This is good for Brazil because it is a new start for them to see where a women president can take them