
  • Period: Jan 1, 1350 to

    Brazil's Histroy

  • Jun 7, 1419

    Treaty of Tordesillas

    divided the world between Spain and Portugal
  • Apr 22, 1500

    Was discovered by Pedro Alvares Cabral

    Was looking for a route to Asia and discovered Brazil
  • Oct 20, 1500

    Logging of Brazilwood started

    was wanted for it's red dye (only gave year)
  • Oct 20, 1500

    Beginning of colonization period

    (only gave year)
  • Oct 20, 1530

    Beginning of Sugar Era

    (only gave year)
  • Oct 20, 1536

    Brazil divided

    The crown divides Brazil into 15 donatory captaincies. (only gave year)
  • Oct 20, 1550

    End of Logging for Brazilwood

    (only gave year)
  • Oct 20, 1551

    Bishopric of Brazil created

    (only gave year)
  • Oct 20, 1555

    French establish colony Guanabara Bay

    (only gave year)
  • Oct 20, 1580

    Crown of Portugal passes to King Philip II of Spain

    Europe's two greatest empires under single ruler (only gave year)
  • Era of gold and diamond mining begins

    Means lots o money (only gave year yet again)
  • Coffee introduced in Brazil

    ya know everyone loves coffee :) (only gave year)
  • Treaty of Madrid replaces Treaty of Tordesillas

    uti possidetis adopted to settle boundaries. José I) assumes the throne in Portugal. Marquês de Pombal assumes effective power as José I's secretary of state.
  • King José I dies.

    this mean new ruler (just didn't give day)
  • End of colonization period

    (only gave year)