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  • 1500


    In 1500 the first non native came to Brazil. Pedro Álvares Cabra was a general in the Portuguese navy. He claimed Brazil for Portugal. They celebrate this day on april twenty second
  • Dutch invasion

    Dutch invasion
    In 1630 the Dutch came into Brazil and atacked.They conquered almost half of Brazil before they were pushed out by Portuguese soldiers.
  • Independince

    On september twenty-second 1822 Brazil proclaimed its independence from the portuguese
  • Slavery

    Brazil bans slavery in 1888
  • Republic

    Brazil becomes a republic
  • UN

    Brazil joins the United Nations
  • Capital change

    Capital change
    In 1960 Brazils capital moved from Rio De Janeiro to much larger Brasilia
  • Direct elections

    Brazil goes back to direct elections after 29 years
  • World summit day

    World summit day
    The first world summit day is hosted in Rio De Janeiro
  • Woman president

    Woman president
    In 2011 Brazil elected the first women president in its history