Dutch occupancy of Brazil
This event is important to Brazil because the Dutch desire to occupy Brazil which is currently occupied by the Portuguese. Brazil doesn't want either one of them to conqer them, so they fought back to become indpendent. -
Dutch in Brazil
This event is important to Brazil because the Dutch are finally driven from Brazil by the Portuguese, who once again claim ownership. Also, they called their part of their land Hew Holland that was ruled by the Dutch. -
Portugal with European
This event is important to Brazil because the portuguese signs a treaty with fellow European nation Spain, which effectively fixes areas of rule in the continent of South America and having peace between the countries. -
Brazil independence
This event is important to Brazil because Brazil breaks ties with Portugal, finally announcing its independence. Pedro instructes his guards to take off the bands to show that there will be independence to Brazil. -
This event is important to Brazil because Brazil officially declares war on Germany in the First World War so they can help the countries that are losing their land and so Germany can give the land back to the original people who lived in the countries. -
Implemented in the country
This event is important to Brazil because a new constitution is implemented in the country, which restores the rights of individual countries to show that the peace will be their forever and won't have to be a war between the countries in South America. -
First woman president
This event is important to Brazil because Dilma Rousseff becomes Brazil's first women president ever of all of the presidents of Brazil and the other continents. She is the first woman to be elected to be presdent in Brazil.