Aug 15, 1510
Joao Ramalho marries the daughter of Chief Tibirica of the Tupinkin Goiana
After getting shipwrecked, Joao Ramalho marries a daughter of a powerful Chief Tibirica, creating a culture of intermingling between Indians and Portugese colonists. -
Period: Aug 28, 1510 to
The Brazilian Amerindians
Dutch organize a meeting with 20 Amerindian Chiefs
The Dutch organizes a meetting between 20 native Chiefs under their rule, which the chief's made a plea for Indian freedom to be execuatively enforced. However, due to the ranch lands nothing came out of such a meeting. -
Cariri raid on cattle ranch lands
Catiri tribes kill 100 colonists and 30,000 cattle leaving settlers almost abadoning their lands. -
Period: to
Indian Rebellian led by mission educated Mandu Hadino lasts 7 years
Mandu Hadino leads a 7 year Indian Rebellion killing ruthless Cunha Souto-Maihor and his private army and continuing through southern Marnhao, Piaui, and Ceara costing the Portuguese lives and ranches. -
Indians go to war against the crown
After being taken off their land for mining to expand, Amerindians are attacked by the crown for trying to stop the Portugese from getting to Minas Gerais