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Brayden Crump

  • 1800 BCE


    1. Gods being in everything
    2. Karma 3.Dharma (ethics/duties)
    3. Samsāra (the continuing cycle of birth, life, death and rebirth) 5.Prophet Yasa' Alaihis Salaam Prophet Dzulkifli Alaihis
  • 1400 BCE


    1. I believe with perfect faith that Hashem the Creator, shall His Name be Blessed, is the Creator and Leader of every created thing
    2. Monotheism. Judaism was the first religion ever to spread the belief that the God is one.
    3. Abraham, Issac, Jacob
  • 600 BCE


    1. Shinto , meaning ‘ way of the gods ,’ is the oldest religion in Japan. The faith has neither a founder nor prophets and there is no major text, which outlines its principal beliefs. 2.Though Shinto has no absolute commandments for its adherents aside from living "a simple and harmonious life with nature and people", there are four affirmations of the Shinto spirit.
  • 545 BCE


    1.There are two main doctrines in Buddhism, Mahayana and Hinayana. Mahayana Buddhist believe that the right path of a follower will lead to the redemption of all human beings.
    2. The first truth is "Dukkha" or suffering.
    3. second noble truth is "Samudaya". According to this truth craving and aversion are the root cause of suffering
  • 372 BCE


    1. Three men built the doctrinal framework of Confucianism during a 270-year period from around 500 BC: Confucius, Mencius, and Xun Zi. The creator of Confucian beliefs was Confucius.
    2. Confucianism represents one of the strands of thought in ancient Chinese philosophy. It is the traditional philosophy of the Chinese people. Confucianism is basically an ethical and moral philosophy.
  • 325


    1. We Are Saved by Grace Through Faith - Not by Works. .
    2. The Holy Bible is the Inspired and Infallible Word of God.
    3. Ahijah,Amos, Agabus
  • 632


    (1) the Qurʾān,
    (2) the Sunnah (“Traditions”),
    (3) ijmāʿ (“consensus”),
    (4) ijtihād (“individual thought”).
    5.Muhammad the prophet of Islam was born around the year 570
  • 1500


    1. The core beliefs of Sikhism, articulated in the Guru Granth Sahib, include faith and meditation on the name of the one creator; divine unity and equality of all humankind.
    2. striving for justice for the benefit and prosperity of all; and honest conduct and livelihood while living a householder's life.
    3. The main goal of Sikhism is to build a close and loving relationship with God. God, according to Sikh tradition, has 99 names.