Brave New World

  • 236


    -bernard's best friend
    -has trouble settling in with other people because
  • Jan 3, 632

    John the savage part one

    John is Linda & the DHC's son. He still refuses to admit that John is his son
  • Jan 3, 632

    John the savage part 2

    refuses to leave the bathroom and he is told that everyone was ready to see him
  • Jan 4, 632

    Hatcheries and Conditioning Centre

    The director introduces a centre where all the delta babies are created and nourished.
  • Jan 6, 632

    Bokanovsky's Process

    Rather than being born in a women's uterus, babies are now created in a lab in which they get duplicated into 98 similar human beings.
  • Jan 6, 632


    Babies are taught to stray away from books and nature by being electricuted and tortured with loud noises.
  • Jan 8, 632

    Introducing Soma

    Soma is a drug that everyone in the community takes in order to stay tranquilized and chill.
  • Jan 8, 632

    Different group colors

    Alpha - grey
    Gammas - green
    Delta - khaki
    Episolons - black
    beta- blue
  • Jan 10, 632

    Controlling savages

    Savages in the reservations are kept under control by threatening of gas bombs and electrical fencing.
  • Jan 11, 632

    Orgy Porgy

    dancing and sex while singing
  • Feb 2, 632

    Linda's story part 2

    Linda's baby daddy is the director of the society and he refuses to admit it
  • Feb 5, 632

    Bernard part 2

    Feels like he is a loser since everyone pretended to like him to get to John the savage
  • Mar 2, 632

    Linda's story part one

    The DHC left Linda at the reservation and told everyone she was dead
  • Mar 7, 632

    Lemons and bernard

    Go on a date and go on a helicopter ride together