490 BCE
he elucidated -
Antoine Lavoisier
First person to make good use of balance. -
Joseph Louis Proust
compound is composed of exact proportions -
earth were not made of atoms -
John Dalton
Proposed that all matter was compossed of atoms, invisable and indestructable building blocks. -
MIcheal Faraday
discover electromangestism and electrochemisrty and electrosis -
Max Planck
which revoluntionized human understanding of atoms and neutrons. -
Henri Becquuerel
discovered radioactivity -
J.J. Thomson
Discover the electron -
Marie And Pierre Curie
Discovered the two elements radium and polonium -
Albert Enstein
theory of relativity -
Robert Millikan
DIscovered a charge of a electron. -
James Chadwick
He discovered the neutron in atoms. -
Neils Bohr
theory of hydrogen atom -
Ernest Rutherford
Desighned an experiment to use alpha particles emitted by a radioactivy element element as probes.