I was born on this date in time. I was the second child in the family after my sister. -
First two years (Biosocial)
I learned to walk for the first time and everyone was there to watch me. -
First two years (Cognitive)
I speak for the first time. It might not be pretty, but clearly I was trying to say "Da Da" for Dad. -
Early Childhood (Biosocial)
I learn that I can ride on my training wheel bike all by myself without Dad's help. -
First two years (Psychosocial)
My mom takes me to the play place at Mcdonalds for my first time interacting with other kids. -
Early Childhood (Cognitive)
My mom signed me up for preschool. She thought I needed to learn to play with others better before heading to big boy school. -
Early Childhood (Psychosocial)
This was the first time I slept in another house besides my own. After Hollloween in '97, I stayed at my friends house and we played "Store" -
Middle Childhood (Cognitive)
I started to learn how to multiply on paper in Mrs. Hollands class. She taught us cursive too! -
Middle Childhood (Psychosocial)
I was the ring bear at my Aunt's wedding! I learned that surrounding yourself with other good people was something to hold onto. The importance of family started to come clear in my eyes. -
Middle Childhood (Biosocial)
This was when I moved from floor hockey to rollar hockey. No longer did I need my Dad's help holding my hands teaching me how to skate. -
Adolescence (Biosocial)
Right around 12-13 years of age I noticed my body start to change a bit. I was going through puberty and noticed hair in new places and my voice got a bit deeper. -
Adolesence (Cognitive)
This was the start of a new school year. I was sometimes worried of what others thought of me, so I decided to dress like a skateboarder and thought I was the king of the world. -
Adolensence (Psychosocial)
Shortly after graduating high school I got a girlfriend and did'nt see my friends as much anymore. This was a time in my life where I needed to figure out what I wanted to do with my life and college plans. -
Adulthood (Psychosocial)
I hope to be married to my wife by this time. -
Adulthood (Biosocial)
My wife and I will probably have our first child by this time. After the baby is born, I will want to get back into the gym and continue having the physique I had in college. -
Adulthood (Cognitive)
This time in my life will be a changing experience. I hope to be in a position in my career field where I can choose my area of expertise (Occupational Therapy) This will in turn mean that I have to learn new material to practice. -
Late Adulthood (Cognitive)
To prevent dementia and short-long term memory loss, I will still stay current and continue to learn throughout this time in life. It's important to realize you can always learn. Wheather it be from experiences you have already done, or somerhing new on the horizion. -
Late Adulthood (Psychosocial)
This time in life I will be able to enjoy time spent with my kids and grand-kids. I plan on being apart of their lives as much as I can. Also, I plan to stay active and possibly teach exercise to other seniors. -
Late Adulthood (Biosocial)
At this age I will be as active as I ever was in the gym. Age is just a number, what you do with your time and how you take care of yourself is on you.