Baby is born and slowly prenatal brain development starts after 2 weeks -
0-1 Month
During this stage the brain grows very fast. The cerebral cortex begins to form. They have poor eyesight, and they can recognize voices. -
2-3 Months
The infant develops hand-eye coordination and starts to recognize faces and learn to smile. -
4-5 Months
Infant if more interactive and demonstrates social engagement and vocalization. They also start to reach for and grasp objects around them. -
6-7 Months
Babies start to understand simple words and make noises. They can also sit up on their own. Brain develops rapidly. -
8-9 Months
Babies can understand their own names and engage in simple conversation. First steps may also be taken or at least an attempt to stand up. -
10-11 Months
Mobility increases and cognitive skills develop. Prefrontal cortex begins to develop. -
12 Months/1 Year
The toddler's brain is very adaptable. Brain has doubled in size since birth, motor skills improve and they start to copy movements and noises. -
2 Years
Brain has grown to 80% of adult size. Toddlers brain development slows down from here on. Development shifts to focus on already preexisting connections in brain. Starts to show more interest in people compared to things and grow to be more social.