The egg is fertilized and the process of gestation begins. -
Neurulation begins/Neural plate forms
Neural plate forms, providing the basis for further brain development and beginning neurulation. -
Neural Tube Formation
Neural Tube Forms out of Neural Plate to create the basis for the central nervous system. -
Brain Region Formation Begins
Regions like the cerebellum, thalamus, cerebellum and medulla oblongata are distinct and continuing to form. -
Neuron Migration
Neuron migration to their correct locations begins. -
Structural Formation
Regions start forming the complex brain structures. -
Synaptic Pruning Begins
Neurons are removed based on the functionality necessities of each region. -
Myelination Beings
Brain begins to grow and fold. -
Birth, Sensory
Sensory regions of the brain are activated and synaptic pruning begins in these areas. -
Socio-Emotional Increase
Areas responsible for social and emotional connections increase in size, density and complexity. -
50% of Adult Size
At age one the brain reaches 50% of the adult size. -
High Synapse Count
Each neuron has roughly 14,000 synapses. -
Brain Reaches 75% of Adult Size
At age 2, the brain has reached 75% of the final adult size. -
1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3722610/
2. https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Dishing-out-mini-brains%3A-Current-progress-and-in-Kelava-Lancaster/38ab8fee91e583b175e2fe13f99be7542d2f0b98
3. https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Neural-plate-formation-and-neural-tube-closure-Transverse-sections-in-successive-stages_fig3_365344191