Feb 21, 1472
Georg Peurbach's
science new theory of the plants sought to reconcile geometric descriptive modelsf for predicting planetary -
Feb 21, 1494
Giovanni Pico della Mirandola
website attacks practical magic, especially, astrology, as it calls into questions traditional notions of human free will. -
Feb 21, 1518
the london college
science physicians is granted a royal charter and function both as a traditional professional giuld as well as a learnd society -
Feb 21, 1530
Girolamo Fracastoro
revolutionprobides one of the first descriptions of a new disease in a worok entitled syphilis or the french disease as an aside the italians called it the french diseas the french called it italian disease. -
Feb 21, 1531
Juan Luis Vives
revolutionin his On the Disciplines argues for the reform of education and a more receptive approach to skills traditionally associated with the craft and trade traditions. -
Feb 21, 1532
Peter Apian
science fracastoro observe that the tail of the comet his year later known as halley's comet pointed aways from the sun a detail also recognized by Regiomontanus. -
Feb 21, 1540
Georg Joachim Rheticus
revolutiona friend of copernicus and the presumed author probides and account of the helicocentric hypothesis in his narratio prima -
Ferdinand Magellan
sciencefamously completes the first circumnavigation of the globe.