Bound in Blood and Shadows

  • From the Beginning

    Before the Darkness - Bonus Story
  • Parasites

    Ruins of War - Bonus Story
  • All You Know

    Knowing - Part One
  • When All Else Fears

    When All Else Fears
    Fear Rising - Book One
  • Period: to

    Fall of the Gantos

    Secrets of Darkness Series
  • Where Will You Go

    Where Will You Go
    Secrets of Darkness - Book One
  • When Fear Comes

    Fear Rising - Book Two
  • The Zoo

    Bonus Story
  • Ahunyest and the Secrets if Holds

    Ahunyest and the Secrets if Holds
    Secrets of Darkness - Book Two
  • Eyes of the Caged

    Eyes of the Caged
    Secrets of Darkness - Book Three
  • Mine

    Possessions - Book One
  • The Barn

    The Barn
    Possessions- Bonus Story
  • Theirs

    Possessions - Book Two
  • Oh The People You Will Meet

    Oh The People You Will Meet
    Secrets of Darkness - Bonus Story
  • Once You Know

    Knowing - Part Two
  • If You Had Known

    Knowing - Part Three
  • Knowing

    Knowing - Part Four
  • What You See

    Secrets of Darkness - Bonus Story
  • When It's Over

    Secrets of Darkness - Bonus Story
  • Meeting About City of Peace

  • Period: to

    Second Civil War

  • City of Peace Begins Building

  • City of Peace Closes

  • Last One Standing

    Secrets of Darkness - Bonus Story
  • Senator Therner poses a way to save the USA from crashing

  • Therner Plan goes into effect

  • Alaska sold to Canada

  • Hawaii sold to Japan

  • Oregon goes up for sale

  • Washington referendums and secedes from the USA

  • California referendums and secedes from the USA

  • Oregon sold to the vampires

  • Oregon renamed Sidrea

    Oregon renamed Sidrea
  • Wyoming sold to the Shifters

  • Maine sold to Canada

  • Wyoming renamed Canvi

  • Nebraska sold to the Werewolves

  • Nebraska renamed Lluna

  • Colorado sold to the Dragons

  • West Virginia and Virginia sold to England

  • Colorado renamed Liri

    Colorado renamed Liri
  • Texas sold to Independent Organization from Mexico

  • Upper Peninsula of Michigan sold to the Society for the Preservation of Wildlife and Natural Resources Association (SPWNRA)

  • Utah declares war against Liri

  • Unexpected Ally

    Bonus Story
  • Humans parties wage war against supernaturals

  • Period: to

    Human and Supernatural War

    Ruins of War Series
  • Double Edged War: Holding Ground

    Double Edged War: Holding Ground
    Ruins of War - Book One
  • Double Edged War: Taking Flight

    Double Edged War: Taking Flight
    Ruins of War - Book One
  • This Side of War

    Ruins of War - Book Two
  • Shift in War

    Ruins of War - Book Three
  • Piece in War

    Ruins of War - Book Four
  • Wolves of War

    Ruins of War - Book Five
  • Road to War

    Ruins of War - Book Six
  • End in War

    Ruins of War - Book Seven
  • Witches come forward

  • South Dakota sold to witches

  • South Dakota renamed Denon

  • Demons come forward

  • Lower Michigan sold to demons

  • Lower Michigan renamed Cinur

  • Period: to

    The Rise of the Slayers

    Slaves of Peace Series
  • Darkness Bound

    Slaves of Peace - Book One
  • First Link

    Slaves of Peace - Book Two
  • Caged in Blood

    Slaves of Peace - Book Three
  • Collar Broken

    Slaves of Peace - Book Four
  • Shadow Leashed

    Slaves of Peace - Book Five
  • Time Pulse

    Slaves of Peace - Book Six