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Boris Yeltsin

  • Yeltsin Is Born

    Yeltsin Is Born
    February 1st, 1931 in Bukta, Russia the future President of Russia Boris Yeltsin is born under his parents Klavdiya Yeltsina and Nikolai Yeltsin. He goes on to become the first president of Russia to be elected by the majority.
  • Neutron is Discovered

    Neutron is Discovered
    Scientist James Chadwick finds the neutron, earlier on that century Ernest Rutherford developed a model for the atom. However Rutherford did not discover the neutron mearly theorized it.
  • World War II Begins

    World War II Begins
    War consumes the world's biggest and best superpowers.
  • Birth Control Pill is Approved in America

    Birth Control Pill is Approved in America
    Women in America are now allowed to purchase birth control.
  • Joins The Communist Party

    Joins The Communist Party
    In 1961 Yeltsin joined the communist party at the late age of 30 years old. This was the start of his political career more or less. Choosing the political party and ideals he’ll follow throughout his adult life.
  • England Launches Ariel-3

    England Launches Ariel-3
    The first artificial satellite created in the United Kingdom is launched into orbit.
  • United States Invades Cambodia

    United States Invades Cambodia
    The US invades Cambodia as a war effort (during the Vietnam War).
  • Portugal Leaves Africa

    Portugal Leaves Africa
    After a series of several wars fought on African soil (the colonial wars) Portuguese forces finally leave Africa.
  • Became Leader of Sverdlovsk Region

    Became Leader of Sverdlovsk Region
    Yeltsin became the top party official of the Sverdlovsk Region which is where he grew up. At this point in his life he is becoming actively involved in the political space around him. He begins to govern which gives him the experience leading needed for properly running a country.
  • Yeltsin In Charge of Construction

    Yeltsin In Charge of Construction
    Mikhail Gorbachev put Boris Yeltsin in charge of all construction done in the Soviet Union. This is significant because he receives a job directly from the head of the country. He’s climbed the ladder up to the point where he’s getting directions straight from the president himself. This event shows that Yeltsin moved up consistently throughout his political career until he reached the top (his presidency).
  • Becomes Party Chief for Moscow

    Becomes Party Chief for Moscow
    Yeltsin furthers his political career by becoming mayor of Moscow. Being in charge of the capital of the country gives him training for running the whole country.
  • Yeltsin Leads Left-Wing Opposition Against Gorbachev

    Yeltsin Leads Left-Wing Opposition Against Gorbachev
    In 1990 Yeltsin appears on national television opposing Mikhail Gorbachev claiming he is abusing his power and has thrown himself into the position of dictator. This shows the public Yeltsin’s ideals on a major scale. This event may or may not have been a factor in play when the Russian people were electing a president.
  • Yeltsin is Elected President

    Yeltsin is Elected President
    In early 1990 Boris Yeltsin is elected president of the Russian Republic. This marks the first time in Russia that a president was elected by the whole country. It was a landslide win and the start of a new era of Russian ruling.
  • Yeltsin and Other Powers Dissolve Soviet Union

    Yeltsin and Other Powers Dissolve Soviet Union
    Joining together with foreign powers (Ukraine and Belarus), Yeltsin and company dissolve the Soviet Union. They establish a commonwealth of independent states.
  • Yeltsin Steps Down From Presidency: Putin Takes Office

    Yeltsin Steps Down From Presidency: Putin Takes Office
    President Boris Yeltsin resigns his position in office and brings in young Vladimir Putin to take his place. The Yeltsin era comes to an end, another chapter in the big book of Russian history comes to a close. Putin takes over as acting president of the country of Russia which remains his title to this day.
  • Boris Yeltsin Dies

    Boris Yeltsin Dies
    Yeltsin died of congestive heart failure in Moscow, Russia at Central Clinical Hospital. He died at age 76 leaving behind wife Naina Yeltsina and daughters Tatyana Yumasheva and Elena Borisovna Okulova.