The Schengen Agreement
This agreement was founded in 1985 and signed and enacted in 1995 -
Enactment of Schengen Agreement
The Schengen Agreement AreaThis agreement, signed in 1985, was signed and enacted by seven states in Europe in 1995 (Belgium, Germany, Spain, France, Lusembourg, the Netherlands and Portugal). The agreement erodes the internal borders of these states and allows free travel within this area. -
Immigration and Asylum Act
Immigration Rules and Regulations Act 2000 No. 2326
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Immigration (Leave to Enter and Remain) Order No. 1161
Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act
Example 5
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Example 6
Advanced Passenger Processing
Example 4
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Example 3
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Illegal employment, Migration (Employer Sanctions) Amnedment Act
Australian Citizenship Act
Description of legistlation, event or law to go here -
Deportations, Migration Legislation Amendment Act
Short description to go there -
The Stockholm Programme
This is a plan continuing until 2014. More text... -