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Booth Odyssey

  • 1200 BCE

    Trojan War

    Trojan War
    The Trojan War occurred 1200 B.C. This war occurred because a Prince of Paris named Troy kidnapped Helen from Menelaus. Helen was the most beautiful woman in the world. After Troy kidnapped his wife he recruited soldiers and kings from Greece to help look and recapture his wife.
  • 1200 BCE

    Trojan War pt.2

    Trojan War pt.2
    This war lasted 10 years One of the Greeks named Odysseus, surrounded Paris with soldiers. Odysseus fooled the Trojans into thinking they surrendered by sending a giant wooden horse filed with Greek soldiers by the gates. Troy and a Paris was doomed, Odysseus plan worked and the Greek Soldiers captured Helen.
  • 1200 BCE

    Lotus Eaters

     Lotus Eaters
    “Upon the tenth we came to the coastline of the Lotus Eaters, who live upon this flower.” In the story of Odysseus, Book Nine, Odysseus and his crew or men stepped foot on a island and Odysseus sent his crew to go see what race was the men that owned the island which was the Lotus Eaters. Lotus Eaters were people who lived under the Lotus flower. The Lotus flower was basically a drug that made people who ate it forget things like their home and goals they are focused on.
  • 1200 BCE


    Cyclops were big giants who were one eyed and had no sympathy for Greek Gods unless they needed to. Later they did, which was from Zeus. Zeus helped them escape the Underworld. They were the sons of Poseidon. They lived on a island in a cave full of food.
  • 1200 BCE

    Cyclops Pt.2

    Cyclops Pt.2
    Odysseus and his men tried to invade their cave to steal goods but their cave door was to heavy and could only be opened by them. Odysseus and his men were planning to kill the some of the Cyclops. He baited some of them into drinking some wine to help Odysseus and his men find/go home. Then after he told them that his name was “Nobody” and killed one of them while the others scattered and ran.
  • 1200 BCE

    Circe pt. 2

    Circe pt. 2
    Circe affected Odysseus and his men because she poisoned Odysseus’s men and tried to poison him. The poison turned Odysseus’s men into pigs. A theme of Odysseus towards his men and Circe is being a hero. He’s a hero because he brung them back to actual figure of men. Another theme of Odysseus would be self control because he didn’t fold under pressure(he handled hisself) during the process of getting his men back to the actual figure of men from Circe.
  • 1200 BCE


    The Sirens sit in the meadow filled with rotting bodies. They wait for ships to come by to sing. They sing irresistible songs that lead men to failure. While Odysseus and his crew go pass their meadow he puts wax in his men's ears and his ears so that they wouldn’t hear. He also ties himself to the front of the boat. He doesn’t want anybody to hear it so no man is tempted to steer the ship off course or to failure.
  • 1200 BCE

    Sirens pt 2

    Sirens pt 2
    The Sirens affected Odysseus and his men in a negative way. The Sirens could have led Odysseus’s men into sailing the ship. Them leading the ship would be failure because they wouldn’t know where to go. They avoid the Sirens by letting Odysseus but was in their ears. A theme of Odysseus would be leadership because he took action into be the leader which saved him and his men.
  • 1200 BCE

    Bag of Wind

    Bag of Wind
    The Bag of Wind was introduced to Odysseus by Aeolus, by giving him a bag containing all of the winds. Aeolus stirs up a westerly wind which helped guide Odysseus and his crew back to Ithaca. Within ten days of their sail/trip back home Odysseus's men was being disobedient, curios, and was thinking that Aeolus secretly gave Odysseus a lot of gold and silver in the bag, and they tore the bag open while Odysseus was sleep.
  • 1200 BCE

    Scylla and Charybdis pt.2

    Scylla and Charybdis pt.2
    Scylla affected Odysseus and his men in a negative away. Charybdis also affected Odysseus and his men in a negative way. While sailing on the sea, he runs into their section of the sea. Odysseus fights Scylla and survives Charybdis’s giant whirlpool. The theme of Odysseus because of Scylla and Charybdis would be what it takes to be a hero. The theme would what it takes to be hero because he saved his men by fighting the Six headed monster and surviving the whirlpool/ whirl hole.
  • 1200 BCE


    The suitors are the men who wished to marry Penelope. They also wish to live in the palace during Odysseus’s absence. Their only way to accomplish that is to string Odysseus's bow and fire it through 12 axes. But Odysseus returned by acting like a stray and shot each axe perfect because he is the only one who can shoot his bow, and do it correct.The suitors thought Odysseus died and they wish to marry Penelope. After Odysseus shot the bow he did not let none of them escaped the palace alive.
  • 1200 BCE

    Suitors pt.2

    Suitors pt.2
    The Suitors affected Odysseus in a negative way. The Suitors tried to take Odysseus spot in his palace because of his absence. But once again Odysseus saves the day. The theme of Odysseus towards the Suitors would be leadership. The theme would be leadership because he comes back in time under cover to not let not one suitor or stranger to have the chance to take over his palace. He also recaptures or takes back leadership of his palace which makes him a leader.
  • 1200 BCE

    Helios Cattle pt.2

    Helios Cattle pt.2
    Odysseus noticed that he has to keep all eyes on his men because they are disobedient. A theme of Odysseus would be self control because he didn’t punish his men when they were doin wrong. Odysseus and his men were affected because his men ate the cattle which lead them to not making it home safely. Also because of his men, Odysseus had to suffer for what they did.
  • 1200 BCE

    Lotus Eaters Pt.2

    Lotus Eaters Pt.2
    The Lotus Eaters affected Odysseus and his men because they fooled some of Odysseus’s men into eating the Lotus flower. The theme of Odysseus and his men would be being in a hero. He was being a hero because he warned his men about the Lotus Eaters and their plant. Another theme would be no self control because Odysseus’s men were being disobedient when they ate the flower even though Odysseus said don’t.
  • 1200 BCE

    Cyclops Pt. 3

    Cyclops Pt. 3
    The Cyclops affected Odysseus and his men because they were ignorant and selfish. They also caved Odysseus and his men in for trying to steal their food. A theme of Odysseus and the Cyclops would be what it takes to be a hero because Odysseus figured out a way to escape the cave. Odysseus is also a hero because he helped plan a way to kill one of the cyclops by offering them wine so they can try to help Odysseus and his men go home but he was really trying to get them drunk to kill them.
  • 1200 BCE

    Bag of Wind pt.2

    Bag of Wind pt.2
    The Bag of Wind affects Odysseus and his me in a good way for the about the first ten days of their sale. But it also affects them in a bad way. It affects them in a good way because it helped them stay on track of where they were going but it was going to help them conduct their whole way back home. But of course that didn’t happen, instead Odysseus’s men opened it and let loose the winds and they escaped and stirred up a storm that leads and put backs Odysseus and his men back to Aeolia.
  • 1200 BCE


    A theme for the Bag of Wind towards Odysseus and his men would be what it takes to be hero because for the first ten days of their sail, the Bag of Wind was directing or helping Odysseus and his men go back home.
  • 1200 BCE

    Scylla and Charybdis

    Scylla and Charybdis
    Scylla is a six-headed monster that sits near the sea. When ships pass each one of the heads swallows at least one sailor if they got to close to the rocks. Charybdis is an giant whirlpool that to swallows any ship fully. Odysseus fights smart against the cliffs of Scylla's lair.
    He also tries to avoid Charybdis while fighting Scylla.
  • 1200 BCE

    Helios Cattle

    Helios Cattle
    Helios is the Sun God. He also owned a lot of Cattle. While Odysseus was asleep, his disobedient men went to eat Helios’s cattle. They went to go eat his cattle because Eurylochus convinced them into doin it and set them up for failure. Helios was mad and told Zeus to harshly punish Odysseus. Helios said that if he doesn’t get payback then he will take the Sun to the Underworld and let it set under the dead forever.
  • 1200 BCE


    Circe is a god of poisons. She lives with an hall of mountain lions and wolves. She captures and turns Odysseus’s men into pigs. She tries to poison Odysseus but he ate an herb before he came. She finally frees Odysseus’s men to make Odysseus happy, and she said "being a man", means he had to go along with women’s request, so he followed hers. Circe request Odysseus to travel to the River of Ocean in the land of the Cimmerians and pour libations and to perform sacrifices.