Boom, Bust, Echo, and Millennials

  • What Movie Did The Boomers Watch? Casblanca

    What Movie Did The Boomers Watch? Casblanca
    Casablanca Trailer The Boomers watched the movie Casablanca. It was one of the early movies (black and white) and won 3 Oscar Awards
  • The Boomers-Now

    The Boomers-Now
    The Boom:
    About the Boom:
    The Boomers are people that are born in around 1947-1966. The Boomers are now about 65 years old and retiring to their rich homes. The early Boomers when they were working, had good jobs since of all of the emerging companies. Even though they had good jobs it was still hard to get a promotion because there were so many Boomers. There was also Generation X.
  • Boomers Cont.

    Boomers Cont.
    The Boom:
    About The Boom:
    They were the late Boomers that want to live as Boomers but don't have the money so now they are working older because they didn't have the good jobs as the early Boomers. The early Boomers now still want the adventure that they had when they were younger, but they don't want to take the risk of getting hurt.
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  • Famous Person For Boom: Andy Warhol

    Famous Person For Boom: Andy Warhol
    Andy Warhol was an iconic person for the Boomers because he created a different art that the early Boomers could relate to,which was popart. He also an iconic person to the Boomers because he could fully express himself, and people admired him for it.
  • What Music Did The Boomers Listen Too? Beatles-"Love Me Do"

    What Music Did The Boomers Listen Too? Beatles-"Love Me Do"
    The Boomers listened to the Beatles. A popular song by the Beatles is "Love Me Do" which alot of Boomers listened too.
  • The Bust

    The Bust
    The Bust:
    About The Bust:
    The Busters are the people that were born on 1967-1979. The Busters are still working at there jobs and will retire in 15 years. Most Busters usually spend their extra time doing the physical housework, golfing and watching movies.The Busters also have children and spend time with them and look out for them. The Busters have experienced many tradagies like the Cold War, Nuclear Threat, and HIV's.
  • Bust Cont.

    Bust Cont.
    The Bust:
    About The Bust:
    When the Busters were the creators of arcade games and the young Busters played a lot of arcade games such as Pac-Man and Space Invaders
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    The B u s t

  • Famous Person For Bust

    Famous Person For Bust
    President Richard Nixon was an iconic person for the Bust because he found that he was not fit to run as president, so he resigned and said to support the new running president. To many people he was a remarkable and a considerable intrest to many historians.
  • Picture-Boomers

    This picture is when Neil Armstrong landed on the moon. This picture/event was an important event to the Boomers because this event symbolized a new beginning in human history.
  • Picture- Bust

    Picture- Bust
    This picture is of Birth Control pills. This is important to the Busters because it was the first product to stop the rising birth rates, eventually making the birth rates deline.
  • The Echo Cont.

    Therefore the Echo was nicknamed the "Nintendo Babies". While having intrests in technology, they also have intrests in cars (boys) and the media, famous people, (girls).
  • The Echo

    The Echo:
    About The Echo:
    The Echo were born around 1980-1995. They are young adults looking for jobs, graduating from university, and the young Echos just going into university. There were alot of people being born in the Echo cohort so there was tight spaces in education and nurseries. As the Echos got older they began develop intrest in technology and now they know alot about them. They know what new phone is coming out, what game is coming out etc.
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    The Echooooooooo

  • What Music Did The Busters Listen To? Michael Jackson- "Thriller"

    What Music Did The Busters Listen To? Michael Jackson- "Thriller"
    The Busters listened to Michael Jackson "Thriller". Michael Jackson was a hit to the Busters because he was one of the first people that sung and played pop music, therefore being the King of Pop.
  • What Movie Did The Busters Watch?

    What Movie Did The Busters Watch?
  • Picture- Echo

    This picture is of university students working on computers in a library. This picture describes the echo because Echos are usually still in university (except the older ones) and are still studying fot their final exams.
  • What Music Did The Echo Listen To? Nirvana- "Smells Like Teen Spirit"

    What Music Did The Echo Listen To? Nirvana- "Smells Like Teen Spirit"
  • Famous Person- Nelson Mandela

    Nelson Mandela is an iconic person to the Echo because he showed people never to give up. Before he was president of South Africa he was an anti arparthied activist. Because of this and other charges (supposed sabotage) he was sent to prison for life. He was in jail for 27 years until he was released and setup a democracy in South Africa, him being the president.
  • The Millennials

    The Millennials:
    About The Millennials:
    The Millennials are people born around 1995-2012. They are tennagers and children who have just started their lives. Millennials are the most recent cohort which means that they are the most advanced. They are now naturally smarter than the other cohorts when they were at the same age. Parents now support them fully e.g. taking them to soccer practice and helping with homework. They also know alot about technology and how it works.
  • The Millennials Cont.

    The Millennials have also experienced many tradagies like the twin towers, Arghan war, Columbine, and school prices for education are higher. Raising education is bad because education is the key for future success and if you can't afford it there isn't much of a chance for success.The Millennials are very busy, especially in the West, with homework, school, sports, and when they do have free time they play video games.
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    The Millennials

  • What Movie Did The Echo Watch? Titanic

    What Movie Did The Echo Watch? Titanic
  • Famous Person- Millennials

    Sidney Crosby is an iconic to the Millennials (especially Canadian Millennials) because he is one of the best hockey players in the world and most Millennials want to be like him because he is a really good hockey player.
  • What Movie Did The Millennials Watch?- WALL-E

  • What Music Did The Millennials Listen To? Shrillex "My Name Is Shrillex"

    What Music Did The Millennials Listen To? Shrillex "My Name Is Shrillex"
  • Picture-Millennials

    This picture is of a classroom with students. This picture is important to Millennials because they will spend most of their lives in school because the Millennials future now depend on schooling and education.