
Chronological Order of the gospels and Acts

  • 50

    Council at Jerusalem

    Council at Jerusalem
    Council of Jerusalem was held in Jerusalem around AD 50. The Council main focus was to discus Christian ethics. Acts 15:6-35
  • 50

    Book of Mark

    Book of Mark
    Scholars believe that the book of Mark was written sometime between AD 45-60, but W.C.Allen dates the writings to around AD 50. (Elwell 75). I chose AD 50 because its a central time among most scholarly opinions.
  • 60

    Book of Matthew

    Book of Matthew
    Scholars believe that the book of Mathew was written anywhere from AD 40-80. I believe it is reasonable to say that the book was written in the AD 60. Mathew builds upon mark so it was likely written after mark, but before the fall of Jerusalem in AD 71. (Prahlow)
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    Book of Luke

    Book of Luke
    Scholars believe that the Book of Luke was written AD 60-62. We can see that this book builds upon both Mark and Matthew meaning that it was likely written after both books. (Prahlow) I chose AD 61 simply because it is the center of the range of dates.
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    Book of Acts

    Book of Acts
    Scholars have a very wide range of when the book of Acts was written, anywhere from AD 57-100. We know that Acts was written by Luke and scholars agree that Acts is a continuation of the book of Luke. Acts does not mention the fall of Jerusalem or the persecution of Christians by Nero in AD 64 (Slick). I chose AD 63 because it was written after the book of Luke but came before the persecutions of AD 64.
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    Persecutions of Nero

    Persecutions of Nero
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    Book of John

    Book of John
    There is a huge debate amongst scholars about when the book of John was written. The dates range from AD 40-180. Most scholars say this book was written after the other Gospels. In John 21:20-23, John seems to know that peter had died so I believe that this book was probably not written before AD 64 (Wallace). John also dose not mention the fall of Jerusalem that happened in AD 70. I believe that the book of John was written right before the fall of Jerusalem.
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    Fall of Jerusalem

    Fall of Jerusalem