
  • 35,000 BCE

    The story of the cavemen

    The story of the cavemen
    When cavemen wanted o tell a story, document an event, or even communicate with other travelers they used cave drawing to do these things.
  • 3200 BCE

    The beginning of writing

    The beginning of writing
    The ancient civilization called Mesopotamia invented a way of documenting events and communicate with other places. They created the alphabet that could be used to sting together sentences to create a message for the reader.
  • 3000 BCE

    The Scrolls of Beginning

    The Scrolls of Beginning
    Ancient Egyptians started to use papyrus scrolls or paper to document events. Only a few people were specilized in reading the hieroglyphics.
  • 156 BCE

    The Beginning of Books

    The Beginning of Books
    In 159 BC an area in the Mediterranean created leather to be used to make parchment scrolls instead of papyrus scrolls. The parchment is so flexible now that it can be sown together to create a book instead of a scroll. The dark ages used this form of documentation until the Renaissance. Most books made in this time were bibles or tales from the biblical belief.
  • 105 BCE

    The Chinese Invent Paper

    The Chinese Invent Paper
    A Chinese man named Cai Lun created one of the most far reaching inventions ever made it was paper. Cai made the paper out of rags and the fiber of mulberry, laurel, and Chinese grass. The paper was whiter and thinner than the leather parchment and papyrus scrolls, but the invention did not reach Europe for another 1000 years.
  • The Cheap Paperback Era

    The Cheap Paperback Era
    Some authors started to make paperback books that were made with cheap wood pulp. These books were considered to be uninteresting novels for the working class adults or juvenile market because they only cost a penny. Some authors brought a good name to the paperback publishers.
  • The Books of Tales

    The Books of Tales
    Wood pulp pare is made in the United States in Maine. These papers are put into a leather cover that creates a book. The books can be used for documentation of to tell an entertaining story to the people that might read later on. the books can be put into a library so others can enjoy the books as well. Also multiple copy's of the book could be made due to the technology invented at that time.
  • Books sold online

    Books sold online
    Amazon was the first online the bookseller offering a wide range of books unlike in the traditional book store. the online book store have a wider range of books unlike traditional book stores. This online store sparked the digital book revolution.
  • Kindle on Fire

    Kindle on Fire
    Amazon launches the first ever dedicated e-book reader called the Kindle. The tablet is an overnight success. The e-book allows a person to hold literally thousands of books in your hand. the e-book revolution continues to expand and release other ways a person has better access to more books.