
Booked Timeline

  • Wake Up Call

    Wake Up Call
    Nick wakes up to the sound of his Mom arguing with his Dad. This is important because it acts as foreshadowing to the end of his regular home life once his parents finalize the divorce.
  • Ms.Hardwick's Honors English Class

    Ms.Hardwick's Honors English Class
    Nick has mastered the art of daydreaming. Nick is extremely smart for his grade but he never tries. He is busted by Ms.Hardwick and she uses him as an example of a bad student for the whole class. On top of the humiliaton already caused by this, the girl he HATES adds to his demise by answering the question Ms.Hardwick asked Nick. This moment marks the day Nick finally wakes up to use his brain for good.
  • The Letter

    The Letter
    Nick's soccer team was invited to participate in the Dr.Pepper Dallas Cup, the renowned world youth soccer tournament. All of Nick's hard work playing soccer at the most elite level is finally paying off. The idea of playing in the Dallas Cup motivates Nick to do his best, not just in soccer, but in everything he does.
  • Breaking the Silence

    Breaking the Silence
    After an unusually silent dinner, Nick is called back to the kitchen for a talk. There was no heads up to the news of his Mom leaving for Kentucky. The news puts a hole in his heart and he crashes. He goes silent after arguing and begging for his Mom to stay.
  • Problemo

    Nicks mind is still fuzzy from his Mom leaving. Conversations with his Mom feel forced and Nick only replies with one word text backs. Nick feels like she left him because she doesn't love him. Nick is sleeping in class again, he's not playing good in soccer, he's lashing out at his Dad, and he's lost his smile. April picks up on Nick's sadness and texts him to cheer him up. In doing this, it gives Nick optimism to find his smile again.
  • Lunch Line

    Lunch Line
    Dean and Don gang up on Nick in the lunch line trying to win April from him. Don knocks Nick's tray out of his hands. April sees this and yells at him which only makes Dean and Don more angry. Nick slips into his imagination of standing up for himself and April and becoming the hero; Nick's daydream was abruptly woken up by a punch from Dean. Coby runs in to save Nick which causes the entire lunchroom to watch Coby try and fail to fight off the twins. Nicks left embarrassed and broken.
  • Breakdown

    The constant bullying, the slipping grades, and the overwhelming amount of stress from overthinking finally breaks Nick. After a long day, Nick's Dads constant banter and yelling sets him off the edge. Nick snaps when his Dad threatens to not let him go to the Dallas Cup, which is really the only thing keeping him afloat. Nick yells at how his life is so unfair and how much he hates his life. "I wish I was dead" Nick says.
  • Therapy

    Nick tries to deny that his breakdown the other night was a call for help. Dr. Freud asks questions that Nick thinks are pointless and it just makes Nick more angry that he missed a soccer tournament in New York City for a pitty party. Nick describes everything he misses and it sends his Mom into tears. "You only get one chance to love, to be loved, and they lost theirs." Nick says. His parents are baffled at how deep the words cut. Nick walks out of the room and leaves his parents in silence.
  • Surgery

    Nicks appendix has ruptured and was rushed to the hospital for it to be surgically removed. He also sprained his ankle and has to be in the hospital for three weeks before being able to be cleared. He misses the Dallas Cup and his mental health takes a dive. Through the book club, April, Coby, and his Mom finally making amends Nick finally is happy again. Even through all the trauma, Nick finally broke through the chaos. Nick walks out a new, happier, and more mature man.
  • Rock Horse Ranch

    Rock Horse Ranch
    Nicks first date with April is out on the ranch his Mom used to race horses on. They ride horses together and have a great time together. Nick is finally at peace and happy with life. Even though he knows his parents are no longer together he's made peace with that fact. The book ends with Nick finding his smile again.