Book 13 & Book 14

  • The Ship turned into stone

    The Ship turned into stone
    Posiden turns the Phaecian ship that carried Odysseus to Ithica into Stone
    -Phasians make sacrifices to posidens in hope he want raise mountain range
    -Earthshaker built a mountain range around ship
    "Earthshaker came up/ and turned it into stone"
    (Book 13 Lines 197-198)
  • Sailors drop off Odysseus & his gifts in Ithica

    Sailors drop off Odysseus & his gifts in Ithica
    -hide gifts so they wouldn't be robbed
    -Odysseus wakes up alone
    -surrounded by gifts
    "first they took Odysseus out,/lifting him from the hollow ship still wrapped up/in the linen sheet and splendid blanket, placed him,
    fast asleep, down on the sand, then carried out/the gifts Phaeacia’s noblemen had given him"
    (Book 13 lines 137- lines 141
  • Odysseus fights Anaeousel

    Odysseus fights Anaeousel
    -An octopus/dragon creature tries to suffocate Odysseus
    -Kills multiple men
    -causes Odysseus to stay overnight in the hole of a tree trunk
    -suffocates men with his tentacles
    -very fast
    -lives in the ground
    -each tentacle has a mouth with razor sharp teeth
  • Men try to marry Odysseus wife

    Men try to marry Odysseus wife
    -Odysseus hears that guys are trying to marry his wife
    -Odysseus has to fight for his wife
    think how your hands may catch/ these shameless suitors, who for three years now/ have been lording it inside your palace/ wooing your godlike wife and offering her/ their marriage gifts"
    (Book 13 Lines 461- lines 465)
  • Dogs attack Odysseus

    Dogs attack Odysseus
    -Odysseus and his men go to a farm
    -dogs bark and attack Odysseus
    -Odysseus sits to calm dogs
    -men chase them off
    -occurs on a farm
    "All of a sudden the dogs observed Odysseus/ They howled and ran at him, barking furiously." (book 14 lines 31- lines 32)

    Laiken Baity
    English 1 Honors
    March 1, 2017