the odyssey

  • 1999 BCE

    book 15

    book 15
    Telemachus comes to the guys home and he is welcomed
    As Telemachus walkes he goes to Eumaeus to say hello.
  • 1999 BCE

    book 18

    One of the suitors yells out to fight Odysseus since he thinks he is so strong so once Odysseus takes his robe off and shows his muscles Irus feras he will be beaten Another beggar by the name of Virus tells Odysseus to move out of his seat where he is sitting because its his so Odysseus says there's room for to but she threatens him
  • 1999 BCE

    book 19

    book 19
    s Odysseus is walking in disguised as the wise beggar. A maid starts yelling at him to leave so Penelope kicks the maid out and starts talking to Odysseus in disguised as the beggar from Crete
    After Odysseus finises with his talk with Penelope about where he is from. She asks her maid to bathe him but he says no need but he wishes that an old maid like him can wash his feet so she calls Eurycleia.
  • 1999 BCE

    book 20

    book 20
    One of them visions the suitors with blood and fire
    Ctesippus throws a cow leg at Odysseus in disguise
  • 1999 BCE

    book 21

    book 21
    Penelope gets Odysseus’s bow out of the storeroom and announces that she will marry the suitor who can string it and then shoot an arrow through a line of twelve axes.
  • 1999 BCE

    book 22

    Odysseus shoots a second arrow through the throat of Antinous. The suitors are confused and believe this shooting to be an accident. Odysseus finally reveals himself, and the suitors become scared. odysseus then attacks the suitors
  • 1999 BCE

    book 23

    Penelope came down and sat down looking at him. Then he came to her and asked if she believed him now. why she is acing so cold towards her husband. Then Odysseus told Penelope that he will have to leave to face the families of the suitors.
  • 1999 BCE

    book 14

    book 14
    The guy gives odysseus in disguise some food and he talks to him
    eumaeus offers Odysseus food but can't give more since the rest belong to Odysseus's and since the suters are hear their eating Odysseus dry.
  • 1998 BCE

    book 13

    book 13
    athena disguises Odysseus as a old man so know one was he looks like.
    They bring Odysseus to another island and athena says that Odysseus should go to swineland to see his friend.
  • 1997 BCE

    book 12

    book 12
    Odysseus men at the cattle at Helios and Odysseus loses his men and got stranded on Ogygia
    Odysseus passed the sirens singing and they move on.
  • 1996 BCE

    book 11

    book 11
    odysseus was instructed to digg and and kill a young goat to attract the sperides
  • 1995 BCE

    book 10

    book 10
    odysseus and his man landed back with the king and asked for help but the king said he couldn't help because the other gods don't like him.
    odysseus stayed woke the whole time but when they got close he went to sleep the people who were his men let the air out put them in the wrong directions.
  • 1995 BCE

    book 6

    book 6
    1.Nausicaa help odysseus by giving him clothes and somewhere to bathe
    2. odysseus gets shy and doesn't want to show his wrinkly body
    3.Nausicaa helps odysseus get to the place he was going to
  • 1994 BCE

    book 7

    book 7
    1.king alcinous and his wife arete welcome odysseus
    2. odysseus talks about how his daughter helped him and found his way to the king.
    3.odysseus was too tired to finish the story so the queen called her servents to prepare him a bed
  • 1994 BCE

    book 9

    book  9
    a cyclops captured them in a cave and odysseus said his name was nothing so the other cyclops thought that nobody was trying to attack him. odysseus escaped the cave and sailed away.
    odysseus and his men get stuck and starting eating fruits and didn't want to leave but after the settled down they went back on the ship
  • 1993 BCE

    book 8

    book 8
    1.odysseus was welcomed by phaeacians
    2.they told odysseus that he looked like a sporting man
    3. he was challenged to see how strong he was
    4. odysseus proved them wrong and was strong but was bragging about his muscles
  • 1991 BCE

    book 16

    book 16
    As Telemachus and Eumaeus greet each other Eumaeus tell Telemachus about Odysseus, how is still disguised as a old man. Telemachus then asks Eumaeus to tell his mother in secret that he is hear. As Eumaeus leaves Athena appears and tells Odysseus it's time to plan with your son how to get rid of the suters, then she changes Odysseus back to normal. Then Odysseus goes back inside Telemachus is surprised to what had happen but is happy his dad is home, they think of what to do to kill
  • 1991 BCE

    book 17

    book 17
    Another beggar by the name of Irus tells Odysseus to move out of his seat where he is sitting because its his so Odysseus says there's room for to but he threatens him.
  • 1200 BCE

    book 1

    book 1
    1.Athena disguise herself as mentes, odysseus old friend
    2.Mentes started a conversation with telemachus, odysseus son about what happens when his father did not turn back from war.
    3.Mentes tells telemachus to do some stuff.
  • 1199 BCE

    book 2

    book 2
    1.Telemachus call everyone together
    2.telemachus talks about how if a man steals another mans goods they call him a thief and they would cut his hand off
    3. they talked about how when penelope finishes making her shroud she will marry another man but at night penelope undo it
  • 1198 BCE

    book 3

    book 3
    1.Telemachus goes to the achaeans and talks to nestor
    2. If telemachus wanted hear the whole story about his father he had to wait 5yrs to listen.
    3.Mentor turns into an eagle
  • 1197 BCE

    book 4

    book 4
    telemachus was talking about what happen about join
    how telemachus went on the journey and how the gods helped him
    god was turning into different animals
    telemachus father father was trapped on a island
  • 1197 BCE

    book 4

    book 4
    speakers talk about how telemachus was ina area
    man was trying to kill telemachus
    athena was praying for that not to happen
  • 1196 BCE

    book 5

    book  5 visits calypso and tells her to let odysseus free
    2.calypso was upset to let her love go when she watched and feed him
    3.calypso tells odysseus that he is free and that she will provide food and drinks for his trip but the rest is on him
    4. oddesseus goes and build his boat with tree
    5. odysseus goes into the water and gets into a little trouble of poseidon and makes odysseus drown
    6. the girl helped odysseus get to a land safely with her string