Bontrager supranational/devolution timline

  • US/great Britian Devolution

    US/great Britian Devolution
    Type: econ
    Country created: United States of America
    History: colonies want independence so they go to war with great Britain who does not have the money to hold on to the united states
  • Triple Entente Supranatinal

    Triple Entente Supranatinal
    Type: Political/ Military
    Countrys involved: Great Britian, France, Russia
    History: They all joind to gether in orter to protect them selfs from attack from each other and from Germany.
  • Ireland/great Britian devolution

    Ireland/great Britian devolution
    Type: cultural
    Country created: Ireland
    History: Ireland is catholic great Britain protestant. So The irish don't want to be ruled by protastents.
  • Germany after WWII Devolution

    Germany after WWII Devolution
    Type: political/ Military
    Country created: east/ West Germany
    History: East Germany was taken by the ussr and became communist while west Germany remained Democratic.
  • NATO Supranatnial

    NATO Supranatnial
    Type: Poly/ military
    Countries involved: U.S.A., France, Germany
    Reason: To protect and uphold Democracy and a free economy from the U.S.S.R.
  • Benelux Group of Nations Supranatinal

    Benelux Group of Nations Supranatinal
    Type: Economy
    Countries involved: Belgum, Netherlands, Luxemburg
    History: They are three small neighboring nations that formed an Economic orginazation.
  • OPEC Supranatinal

    OPEC Supranatinal
    Type: Economic
    Countries involved: Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela
    History: These countries are all oil producing states and joined together to prevent one country from undercuting the others.
  • PLO supranatinlisam

    PLO supranatinlisam
    Type: Cultural
    Countrys/ Territories: involved: Gaza Strip, West Bank, Golan Hights
    History: They three Territories want to get indipendence from Israel
  • Canada/ Quebec Devolution

    Canada/ Quebec Devolution
    Type: cultural
    Country created: gains autonomy
    History: French/ catholic majority
  • Czechoslovakia Devolution

    Czechoslovakia Devolution
    Type: Econ
    Country created: Czech Republic, Slovakia
    History: Czechs are industrialized and are taking more of the money from the U.N then they are giving Slovakia so the split.