EDG 6301 - Cultural Roots

  • When beauty was beyond reflection.

    When beauty was beyond reflection.
    What happen to our beauty? This is when women were embrace, honor, respected and not seen as a sex objects. This image the women are naturally bonding, there no indifferences but unity. This is how I was taught at a young age to value one's own beauty, not to allowed society dictate my image.
  • Who we are now

    Who we are now
    Society has lost the meaning of what's natural and what's against personal beliefs. This mother is bonding every moment her son is breast-feeding. The is creating a strong bond between mother and child. I was raised to bond with my child, Breast-feeding was and still is an important part of my cultural.
  • Embracing our Hertiage

    Embracing our Hertiage
    There used to be a time when Cultural/Heritage was embrace and not ridicule for one's beliefs. This is a clear imagine of celebrating their own beliefs and heritage. As my Cultural celebrating who we are in important.
  • Let's make this the present and future

    Let's make this the present and future
    Forgetting what's important "Bonding,""Unity." This would be considered the perfect environment, everyone celebrating their friendships. In my family everyone was and still is welcome no matter the color of your skin or where you come from; this is still true at my own home. At my home no one is treated different or looked down at because of your Cultural/Heritage. Our friendships are beyond the color of your skin, it's what in your heart that's important.
  • Faces of who we are.

    Faces of who we are.
    Faces of our Culture, the Faces of our Nation, and Faces of what the world should be in our century. I was raise to respect all Cultural/Heritage, to respect my elders no matter the color of your skin. If you are 1 day older, you are respected just as much if you are 30 years older. This is what my parents taught me to always give respect to all my elders.
  • When being unique was good.

    When being unique was good.
    This is when adolscence were active and loving being part of something they created. This imagine clearly shows how being social create bonding amount our youth. I was part of this era, when being social and active with my friends was fun, technology was not part of a my adolescent years. My parents encouraged me to be active, not in front of the television.
  • Natural Beauty embracing self image

    Natural Beauty embracing self image
    When knowing who you were and where you're directing yourself made you "Special" Everyone one is critical at one point or another, but this imagine tells a different story "ideal"
  • Our future has no color, race, religion belief and labeling.

    Our future has no color, race, religion belief and labeling.
    This should be our future, the change is now to make a difference in our children's life "No Culture Boundaries." I taught my children to love all Cultural, to respect everyone of their friends and those that not in their circle of friends as well; to give and expect nothing.
  • The imagine that certain cultures face.

    The imagine that certain cultures face.
    You see this imagine and you can assume that human-being have different beliefs and customs. I can remember my grandmother saying "the less you reveal the more you will be respected," this is true in most Cultures and Heritages. It seems no matter the color of your skin or where you come from revealing too much is for "attention."
  • Reference

    Obtain images from Creative Comments
  • We are "One"

    We are "One"
    This is the way everyone should see each other unity=nation. At one point everyone grew-up with the impression that we were all equal. Everyone would lookout for everyone's well-being; now that has been lost there's no values of Unity. This is me now and my children's believes.