Bolshevik revolution

Bolshevik Revolution

By group8
  • Mensheviks

    ArticleBolshviks split from the Mensheviks, they were a group of people who led the revolution on behalf of the people. But thay made many mistakes. As a result, they were apart of much of the failure that took place in Russia.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    ArticleVideoRussian students and workers in St. Petersburg chose New Year’s Day to present the Tsar at the Winter Palace with a list of reforms they would like to see take place in Russia. The Tsar is at his country home and does not appear on the palace balcony. When the crowd seems to become restless, soldiers fire shots. A peaceful demonstration turns into a riot. Violent strikes and political protests break out throughout Russia.
  • 1905 revolution begins

    1905 revolution begins
    Bolsheviks In january, "The Russian proletariat burst on the political stage as a class for the first time" With this the russian revolution of 1905 began and both partys, the bolsheviks and the mensheviks came to gether to fight.
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    ArticleRussia has had three revolutions, the 1905 Revolution that lasted through part of 1906, the February Revolution of 1917 that lasted until October 1917 when the October Revolution began. The revolution lasted until 1928 when Stalin assuming total power.
  • Baltic Pesants

    Baltic Pesants
    russian revolution Peasants in the baltic started to revolt against their leaders because of the revolution and they were not being treated right by their leaders.
  • Trotsky comes to power.

    Trotsky comes to power.
    leon trotsky joins the bolshevic cause and later becomes one of its great leaders. he worked along side stalin and was known as the leader of the red army.
  • Febuary Revolution

    Febuary Revolution
    Febuary revolution summaryFebruary revolution : Rusians were losing to the Germans in WWI because they did not have the modern industry that would support them at war and they did not have a way to get supplies to the front. Peasants, workers and soldiers alike all took a stand to get land back. It was clear that Russia could not take care of her people. Tsar was asked to abdicate and a provisional government was formed under Alexander Kerensky.
  • The March Revolution

    The March Revolution
    ArticleWomen textile workers in Petrograd led a citywide strike because of their shortages of bread and food. In the next 5 days, nearly 200,000 workers rioted in the streets. The soldiers that were told to shoot the rioters, then sided with them. This revolution forced Czar Nicholas ll to abdicate his throne.
  • October Revolution

    October Revolution
    Videooctober revolutionOctober Revolution: Russia is still doing bad in the war, Linen returns from exile he tormented workers by saying things like “Bread, Peace, and Land” and “Down with the Provisional Government-All Power to the Soviets!” By Early November, 1917, almost all of Russia supported the Bolshevik Party. Mostly because they hated the provisional government.
  • Support soviets

    Support soviets
    November 1917 almost all people supported the Bolshevik party and their motto: “all power to the soviets!” In November, Russia became comunists, with lenin in charge. Lenin promised three things to the people, to get russia out of war, land to peasants, and workers and soviets controll factories.
  • Bolsheviks in power

    Bolsheviks in power
    BolsheviksBolsheviks came into power in November. The Bolsheviks came to power for many reasons. A few of these reasons were money, a great leader, and just the simple fact that the provisional government was very weak and hated by a large part of the population.
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    Civil War

    Article1918-20. Russia is involved in a brutal and bloody civil war. The Bolsheviks (Reds) win over the opposition made up of Tsarist supporters (Whites). The Bolsheviks become known as the Communist Pary. Russia becomes known as The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
  • Armistice.

    ArmiticeThe Germans went back on the truce, also known as armistice, and went 100 more miles into Russia in 4 days. Lenin orderd peace at all costs, this caused the treaty of Brest-Litovsk; It also took alot of Russia's land and separated Ukraine. The treaty gave lenin time to concentrate on Russia. Groups known as the Whites were forming, those who wanted the Bolsheviks killed.
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    video ArticleStalin is even more brutal then Lenin. He turns Russia into Totalitarian State, where state and party are one. He creates a new economic plan where all agriculture is shared equally. He created goals for the agricultural production and industrial production. Stalin came to power in 1924 and ruled until 1953. He was a totalitarian dictator, who succeeded Lenin. Through "great purges" and five year plans, Stalin was famous for building Socialism. If you read about his Great Purges, you
  • Lenin Dies!

    Lenin Dies!
    TimelineVladamir lenin passes away and trotsky is defeated by the team of Stalin, Kamenev and Zinoviev and we later find out Stalin is the leader. Obviously everyone is very glad Lenin is dead, but they are in for worse.