Bolshevicks timeline

  • Dictatorship

    Lennin promised free elections to the new constitutient assembly in 1917
  • Provitional Government

    Provitional Government
    The Provisional Government was the national government of Russia between the February Revolution and the Bolshevik revolution of 1917.
  • Provitional Government Collapse

    Provitional Government Collapse
    collapsed after protests over food shortages and unemployment gathered momentum in the last week of February 1917.
  • the Red Guards took control

    the Red Guards took control
    During the night of 6 November, the Red Guards led by Trotsky took control of post offices, bridges and the State Bank.
  • Free Elections

    Free Elections
    Elections were held in late 1917. However, the Bolsheviks did not gain a majority.Lenin solved this problem by sending the Red Guards to close down the Assembly. He instead used the Congress of Soviets to pass his laws as it did contain a Bolshevik majority.
  • The white Army

    The white Army
    Armed formations of the white movement and anti-soviet governments
  • Period: to

    Civil war

  • peace terms-Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

    peace terms-Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
    Lenin hoped that a socialist revolution would break out in Germany but this did not happen. Germans began to advance again so Lenin had to accept their peace terms in the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
  • New Economic Policity

    New Economic Policity
    Brought back capitalism for a part of the Russian society
  • Creation of the Soviet Union.

    Creation of the Soviet Union.
  • New constitution

    Lenin supervised the making of a new constitution.turned the Russian empire into the Soviet Socialist Republics
  • Vladimir Lenin death

    Vladimir Lenin death
    On 21 January 1924, at 18:50 EET, Vladimir Lenin, leader of the October Revolution and the first leader and founder of the Soviet Union, died in Gorki aged 53 after falling into a coma.