Bolivia Timeline

  • 1524

    Started Fighting for Freedom

    Started Fighting for Freedom
    At this point in Bolivia's history they where wanting to have there own freedom from the Spanish. This was lead by Simon Bolivar.
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    Bolivia's Independence

    During this 15 time period, Bolivia was fighting for democracy and independence. The people who lead the Bolivia to democracy was Simon Bolivar, that Bolivia was named after. The Chiquisaca Revolution (a town in Bolivia) is known for their first cry of freedom.
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    War of the Pacific

    After Bolivia's independence they were political and economically unstable. After the war Chile had occupied vast territories in rich natural resources south west of Bolivia. Sooner then later Chile had taken control of Churquicmata area.
  • Silver to Tin

    Silver to Tin
    During this point in time Bolivia's main source of money and income had changed from silver to tin.
  • Government Overthrown

    Government Overthrown
    12 years of deafening rule by the MNR (a government party) a military junta overthrew President Estenssoro near the beginning of his third term. During this 1969 death of President René Barrientos Ortuño a former junta who was elected president in 1966. This lead to Bolivia's government extremely weak.
  • Government Transitions

    Government Transitions
    Gonzalo Sánchez de Lozada was elected president with the alliance with the Tupac Katari Rovolutionary Liberation Movement. Which encouraged indigenous sensitive and multicultural-aware politics
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    General Banzer Presidency

    during the 1997 elections, Hugo Banzer, leader of the National Democratic Action party won with 22% of the vote. While the MNR candidates had 18%. During his rule President Hugo has implied a policy using special police-units to eradicate physically the illegal coca of Chapare.
  • Period: to 200


    During the years of 1999-2000 a large scale of protests had sprung in Cochabamba (Bolivia's 3rd largest country) in a reaction to the prevarication of water sources by foreign companies. Water had now become double the price before.
  • 2002 Election

    2002 Election
    During the 2002 election President Gonzalo Sanchez de Lozade of the MNR won with 22.5% of the vote. Followed with a close second, Evo Morales with 20.9%
  • Bolivian Gas Conflict

    Bolivian Gas Conflict
    In 2003 the gas conflict broke out. the gas conflict was when the governement imposed martial law in El Alto after 16 people were shot by the police and several were wounded. Sánchez de Lonada soon after offered his resignation to an emergency session in Congress.