Boko Haram

By dseay
  • Mohammed Yusuf

    The group, which may have existed since the late 1990s, organizes under the Muslim cleric Mohammed Yusuf. It is centered in Maiduguri, the capital of the northeastern state of Borno.
  • First Attack

    The first known attack by Boko Haram includes roughly 200 militants, who attack multiple police stations in the state of Yobe, near the Niger border.
  • Boko Haram Uprising:

    begins in Bauchi and spreads to the states of Borno, Kano and Yobe. The militant group kills scores of police officers. A joint military task force responds, leaving more than 700 Boko Haram members dead and its operational mosque destroyed. The uprising ends when police capture the group's leader. Deputy, Abubakar Shekau, reportedly dies in the uprising. Yusuf later dies in police custody. Police say he is shot during an attempted escape, but Boko Haram claims it is an extrajudicial execution.
  • Video Statement

    Boko Haram releases a video statement in which Yusuf's deputy who allegedly died the previous year, Shekau, claims to be the leader of the group.
  • More Attacks

    In the state of Bauchi, 50 Boko Haram militants attack a prison, killing five people and releasing more than 700 inmates.
  • Inauguration

    The day of President Goodluck Jonathan's inauguration, Boko Haram detonates three IEDs near a military barracks in the city of Bauchi in Bauchi State. At least 10 people die in the attack.
  • Gombi in Adamawa

    Twelve people die after Boko Haram militants attack a police station and two banks in the city of Gombi in Adamawa.
  • Attack on United Nations

    Boko Haram attacks the United Nations compound in Abuja. A car bomb kills 23 people and injures more than 75 others.
  • Use of IED's

    More than 100 die in multiple attacks in Yobo, Damaturu and Borno states. Boko Haram militants utilize IEDs and vehicle-borne IEDs to target security forces and their offices, markets and 11 churches.
  • Splinter group

    A newly formed splinter group, known as Ansaru, announces Abu Usmatul Al-Ansari as its leader.
  • Coordinated Attacks

    More than 200 people are killed when Boko Haram launches coordinated attacks targeting police, military, a prison and other targets in the city of Kano in Kano State.
  • Supposed peace talks

    Unverified media reports claim that Boko Haram has begun peace talks with the Nigerian government. Boko Haram spokesman Abu Qa Qa warns the media against making any more claims, "We are telling the government to understand that if it is not ready to embrace Sharia and the Quran as the guiding book from which the laws of the land derive, there shall be no peace... [and media agencies] should understand that for us there is no difference between those fighting with guns and with the pen."
  • French Family Kidnapped:

    Militants alleging to be Boko Haram kidnap a French family of seven in a national park in northern Cameroon; however, the affiliation with Boko Haram cannot be verified. The family is later released.
  • Possible Amnesty

    President Goodluck Jonathan states he has appointed a team to explore the possibility of amnesty for Islamist militants. Shekau responds in an audio statement: "Surprisingly the Nigerian government is talking about granting us amnesty. What wrong have we done? On the contrary, it is we that should grant you pardon."
  • Battle with Multi National Security Forces

    Boko Haram battles with multinational security forces from Niger, Nigeria and Chad in the city of Baga in Borno State, leaving nearly 200 people dead, including many civilians. Shekau releases a video in May saying Boko Haram is not responsible for the civilian deaths.
  • Nigeria's Offensive

    Nigeria's Ministry of Defence announces a military offensive has begun in Borno, Adamawa and Yobe to "rid the nation's border territories of terrorist bases and activities."
  • Period: to

    Church Attacks

    Boko Haram targets churches in various states on three Sundays in a row, leaving more than 50 people dead.
  • Terrorist Group

    President Jonathan approves the proscription of Boko Haram and splinter group Ansaru as terrorist organizations.
  • Death of Momodu Baba

    The Ministry of Defence announces the death of Boko Haram's second-in-command, Momodu Baba (known as Abu Saad).
  • Claimed death of Shekau

    Nigeria's chief army spokesperson claims Shekau may have died after an attack on June 30, but the claim is never verified.
  • Playing Dress-up

    Boko Haram gunmen dress in military uniforms and stage a fake checkpoint near Benisheik in Borno, burning vehicles and executing travelers, leaving at least 143 people dead.
  • Who is it really

    • A man claiming to be Shekau appears in a video and says that he is alive and well. However, his identity is not verified.
  • Market Attack

    At least 45 are killed in a market in Kawuri in Borno after Boko Haram militants open fire.
  • Dark Ages Attack
    - At least 23 people are killed when suspected Boko Haram militants torch houses in the village of Konduga, according to the governor of Borno state.
  • Kidnap innocent children
    Boko Haram militants kidnap approximately 276 teenage girls from a boarding school in Chibok in Borno. Officials there say some of the girls were able to escape. The kidnapping sparks global outrage and a #BringBackOurGirls campaign on social media.
  • Shekau? Abduction of Girls

    In a video statement, a man claiming to be Shekau says, "I abducted your girls. I will sell them in the market, by Allah...there is a market for selling humans. Allah says I should sell. He commands me to sell. I will sell women. I sell women."
  • Storming 3 villages

    Hundreds of Boko Haram militants storm three villages in the state of Borno. Villagers resist, killing more than 200 Boko Haram fighters.
  • Twin Blast

    Twin blasts in the city of Jos kill 118 people at a market. Nigerian authorities describe the blasts as "terrorist activities" but decline to speculate on who might be responsible.
  • U.S. Support

    The White House announces that the United States has sent 80 troops to Chad to help search for the kidnapped schoolgirls.
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    Raids in Borno

    Hundreds of people are killed in raids by Boko Haram Islamic militants in the state of Borno, with some sources putting the death toll at 400 to 500.
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    Another Kidnapping

    Suspected Boko Haram militants kidnap at least 20 young women over a weekend in the northeastern Nigeria village of Garkin Fulani, eight kilometers from a town where more than 200 schoolgirls were taken nearly two months earlier.
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    Hostage of Cities

    Boko Haram militants hold the village of Kummabza in Borno state, northeastern Nigeria, hostage for four days. They abduct more than 60 females, including children, and kill 30 men in the raid.
  • Another 57 Girls

    Sources say at least 57 girls kidnapped by Boko Haram last month from the Kummabza village in northern Borno state have escaped from their captors and returned to their village. Boko Haram is still believed to be holding about 200 schoolgirls abducted April 14 from a boarding school in the town of Chibok.
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    Raids in Damboa

    Boko Haram raids the Nigerian town of Damboa. By the time the raid ends, 66 residents have been killed and more than 15,000 have fled.
  • Ceasefire Agreement

    The Nigerian government announces it has reached a ceasefire agreement with the Islamist terror group that includes the promised release of more than 200 kidnapped schoolgirls.
  • Denies Ceasefire

    In a video, the group's leader denies the Nigerian government's claim of a ceasefire.
  • Baga Siezed

    A multi-day raid begins, where hundreds of Boko Haram gunmen seize the town of Baga and neighboring villages in northern Nigeria, as well as a multinational military base, leaving bodies scattered everywhere and as many as 2,000 people feared dead.
  • Period: to


    At least 20 are killed and 18 injured in Maiduguri after explosives strapped to a girl are detonated at a marketplace screening checkpoint. At least three are dead and 43 injured after two suicide bombs, strapped to girls, detonate in a mobile phone market in Potiskum. Boko Haram is suspected as being behind the attacks.
  • Behading Video

    Boko Haram releases a video showing the apparent beheadings of two menthey suspected of being spies.
  • Shekau Audio Message

    In an audio message purportedly from Shekau, Boko Haram pledges allegiance to ISIS, the Islamic militant group which controls areas of Iraq and Syria. Boko Haram is named "Wilayat Gharb Afriqiyya" or "Wilayat Gharb Afriqiyyah," which means the Islamic State of West Africa.
  • Another Audio Message

    In an audio message purportedly from an ISIS spokesman, the group announces that the caliphate has expanded to western Africa and that ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has accepted Boko Haram's pledge of allegiance. On the same day, ISIS blows up the Iraqi army headquarters north of Ramadi, killing at least 40 Iraqi soldiers.
  • Period: to

    Corpses Found

    The decomposed corpses of at least 400 men, women and children are found in shallow, mass graves and on the streets of Damasak in northeastern Nigeria. Due to a joint Nigerian-Chadian military operation, the town has recently been freed of Boko Haram, which seized the town in November.
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    Rescue of Women

    Nigerian troops rescue about 450 women and girls in the Sambisa Forest during a military operation centered around destroying Boko Haram camps and rescuing civilians. According to the military, none of those rescued have been identified as the Chibok schoolgirls kidnapped last April.
  • Raid 3 more Villages

    Boko Haram militants raid three villages in the northeastern Nigerian state of Borno, killing at least 145 people, according to witnesses.
  • Militants Arrested, More women Rescued

    241 women and children are rescued and 43 Boko Haram militants are arrested after the Nigerian military raids camps run by the terrorist group in two villages.
  • Female Suicide Bombers

    Militants from Boko Haram attack two villages in northeast Nigeria, killing at least 30 people. In another attack, two female suicide bombers kill 58 people at a Nigerian refugee camp for villagers fleeing terrorism. A suspect in the attack on the camp tells officers that she and the two suicide bombers were dispatched by Boko Haram.
  • Proof of Life

    CNN posts a video of some of the teenage girls abducted from Chibok that was sent to negotiators by their captors as a "proof of life."
  • Free after 2 years

    Amina Ali Nkeki, one of more than 200 Chibok schoolgirls kidnapped by Boko Haram, is the first to be freed after two years in captivity. Nigeria's army says she was rescued by army troops, but a witness tells CNN the girl wandered out of the Sambisa Forest in the northeast of the country along with her child and a man.
  • New Leader

    ISIS publication al-Naba says that Sheikh Abu Musab al-Barnawi is the new leader of Boko Haram. A Boko Haram insider confirms to CNN that al-Barnawi, the son of the group's founder - who was killed by Nigerian security forces in 2009 - is in fact the new leader.
  • Demands for trade

    Boko Haram releases a video of some of the girls kidnapped in April 2014 and demands the release of Boko Haram fighters in exchange for the girls.
  • Negotiation outcomes

    Boko Haram militants hand over 21 Chibok schoolgirls to authorities after a series of negotiations with the Nigerian government. It's the first mass release of any of the more than 200 girls and women kidnapped from their school in April 2014.
  • Schoolgirl with son

    A Chibok schoolgirl carrying her 10-month-old son is found by the Nigerian army.
  • Another girl and her son

    The Nigerian army says another missing Chibok girl and her six-month old baby have been located during an operation to arrest suspected Boko Haram terrorists.
  • Nigerian Fighter Jet

    Scores of people are killed when a Nigerian fighter jet mistakenly bombs a camp for the internally displaced during an operation in Rann against Boko Haram militants, according to Nigerian officials and the Red Cross. The Nigerian government provides no official death toll, but humanitarian aid group Doctors Without Borders says "about 90" people died.
  • 82 released

    Eighty-two Chibok schoolgirls are released after negotiations between Boko Haram and the Nigerian government.