The Boiga Federation is founded by Willem Barentsz as a colony of Russia.
Period: to
The B.B.U.F History
The Boiga Federation goes through a somewhat rushed industrial revolution
The Boiga Federation splits off of Russia during the Communist uprising. "All Along The Watchtower" is established as the national anthem
The Boiga federation assists Russia through a lend lease program sending supplies and funds
The Boiga Federation goes through a violent revolution from Communism to Capitalism, resulting in a 20% loss in population
The Boiga Federation befriends a smaller nation, The Byeahs. The Boiga-Byeah Federation is created, or the B.B.U.F
The B.B.U.F constructs its first functional Nuclear Weapon
The B.B.U.F requests to join NATO and is denied
The B.B.U.F designs its first domestic jet fighter, the Svalbard-1
The B.B.U.F produces its first domestic tank design, Thor-1
The B.B.U.F designs its own assualt rifle, the CR-32. Also, the B.B.U.F adopts the MG-3 as a general purpose machine gun. Gavin Coulter is instated as Second In Command, Military High Command, Chief of Everything that isn't gay.
B.B.U.F crushes Jewstinian nation in a seven month war. Also adopts KSG-12 as breacher weapon
The B.B.U.F space program builds and launches its first spacecraft, a small satellite
Officers in the B.B.U.F military are issued medieval Italian broadswords
Jewstinians declare war a second time, attempting to invade B.B.U.F mainland
B.B.U.F forces invade Jewstinian home land, also started a "Great Incursion" with world domination in mind
The B.B.U.F joins NATO in the war on terror in the Middle East
B.B.U.F forces invade and subsequently annex Greenland
The B.B.U.F invades Iceland, also using nuclear weaponry for the first time in combat
B.B.U.F government befriends Russia, opening up more trade and allowing open borders
B.B.U.F forces invade Mongolia through Russia
B.B.U.F forces invade Kazakstan, and being drawing up plans for Middle Eastern conquest
Conquest of the Middle East begins
Conquest of the Middle east is concluded, and followed with the buyout of Gucci
he B.B.U.F purchases all major brands, including but not limited to Nintendo, Bethesda, Microsoft, Amazon, and finally found Pear as a competitor to Apple
Colonization of Mars begins with a crew of 200 humans sent to begin terraforming
Mars is completely terraformed, space stations have been set up to collect valuable gases from Jupiter and Saturn
The B.B.U.F establishes a national religion, wherein they worship Mayorio.
B.B.U.F forces officially declare war on all of the remaining nations excluding Russia
All Asian countries form a coalition in a futile attempt to stop the B.B.U.F, marginally slowing them
After Asia has capitulated, the B.B.U.F set their sights on the western world.
Millions of B.B.U.F soldiers land in Mexico as part of an invasion, and afterwards expand into the Southern United States
Shortly after the United States capitulates, Jewstin is assassinated by the warmongering cool guy Gavin the cowabunga killer. with molten copper.
Canada surrenders ahead of the B.B.U.F invasion, and allows themselves to be taken over peacefully. Afterwards, the B.B.U.F turns to South America.
All of the countries in South America were unable to hold back the B.B.U.F, and capitulated quickly
B.B.U.F scientists with the help Thomas Fell discovered the technology to create a Inter-dimensional portal
After a year of studies, the B.B.U.F perfect the construction of an inter-dimensional portal
After more than a century of not updating designs, the B.B.U.F upgraded their domestic weaponry. New designs include the Svalbard-2, Thor-2, CR-33. The M-40 Sniper Rifle is adopted into service, alongside the Ballista as well as the Barret .50
The TAC-45 pistol is adopted as the official sidearm. The police force is now equipped with M9 pistols, MP5s, and Hk-416s
Realizing the need for a heavier tank, the B.B.U.F designs and produces the ODIN-5
Further advancing the strength of the B.B.U.F, a long range strategic bomber nicknamed Hera is created.